Price of fame

It looked as if a hurricane went through the kitchen. Books and cutleries were on the table and there were lots of cracked eggs everywhere. 

Xiaolei couldn't help but imagine her chibi husband cooking while messing everything up and the thought made her giggle. She wished she'd seen the whole process of her breakfast being made. 

Noticing that someone was watching him, the big panda's head snapped towards the door and he saw his wife standing there. Seeing her glance at the mess he had created, he gulped. 

When she stepped closer, the big panda quickly donned the apron lying on the counter, causing Xiaolei to halt in her tracks and look at him. She almost whistled upon seeing how cute he was, wearing that colorful apron. The man was absolutely an adorable husband material at that moment and she just loved the sight of him so very much. 

"I'll clean this up." He said and he started picking a plate when Xiaolei chuckled.