If you divide the country in half, Zening has two predominant environments. The first one that I came from is full of rocky grounds, and the other one is an enormous tropical forest.
Zuriny is the capital city strategically built many years ago in the middle of the country. A place surrounded by forests to the west side and rocky grounds to the east side.
The capital is very rich, with a castle in the middle of the city encircled by the noble district.
There are two other districts, the larger civilian district and the smaller military zone. They are at both sides from the noble district.
The military zone is on the right side, near the border to the forest, while the civilian district is near the border on the left side, to the rocky grounds.
I came from rocky grounds in the west and was stopped at the gates of the civilian district.
"Hey, look at that beggar near the gates, is he a NPC? I can't see clearly because of the night but he looks so worn out. The game started today and few players went outside, I also haven't heard of anyone who began outside a city."
A random player noticed me and started gossiping with his nearby friends. Am I in such bad state?
"Sorry, please go out, thank you. No, don't come near me. Another step and I will hurt you with my polearm."
But he's right, I AM worn out. I just need to convince this guard I'm not a vagrant, then go to a nice hotel and laze a bit before doing justice to my explorer class and explore.
Uh-oh, I'm so dumb, now he should let me enter. I had forgotten to change titles from Bane of Light, unfriendly in urban areas, to Dragon Slayer.
The guard looked at me, saw the insignia that appeared on my shoulder, looked again, thought for a while, and finally started sweating, his eyes almost popping out.
"S-sir Dragon Slayer!? Pardon my rudeness, I have a wife and four children at home! P-please come in, would you like an escort?"
"No thanks, you don't have to worry. I apologize for being negligent about my identity. About the bad hygiene you know how it is, right? Fighting dragons all day, protecting the city, sometimes we get a little dirty here and there. Thanks but no need for an escort."
"Y-yes sir, please come in."
Goddammit this guard is too weird. Don't need to drop on your knees.. Now are you even prostating yourself on the ground!?
Can't you see I don't like the attention? I should have just used my skill and disappeared, but that's what I got for being honest.
I'll keep my title insignia hidden after entering so this kind of situation doesn't happen all the time. Only high ranking NPC's and some players would be able to detect it.
So I entered Zuriny, and by my memory of the beta, the best hotel should be near the civilian residential zone. But if I want to stay there I should stop at the bank and see if my gold from the beta and my items are still there.
There's only silver and gold coins, divided at a 100:1 ratio. This means 1 gold coin can be exchanged for 100 silver coins. With a gold coin I can sleep in the best hotel of the civilian zone for about a month, but in the future I should consider buying a house in an even better place.
"Hey sir, do you need any help?"
Going to the bank I'll have to ignore the random players trying to get a quest from me. I'm not a NPC little brothers. It's probably for the best to just ignore their creative ideas on quest opening lines.
"Sir if you need help I can do all kind of things."
Yes, ignore is better.
"You just need to ask sir. Lord..? Mister..? Friend..? Brother?"
Yes, I'm a calm man.
"I was near the gates, he should have a very good quest!"
"Sir, I can do anything for you, even give you my life sir, please let me do it?"
"Sir, do you need help to overturn the country? Or defend it?"
Yes, I'm a beta player.
"Do you need money sir, I can borrow you some money!"
I couldn't stand it anymore. They are starting to block and slow me down.
"Guys, let's leave, I was near the gates and the guard was super scared of him. He must be a boss level NPC, we need to get stronger so that he even notice us."
"Right, I had thought the same."
"Yes, let's leave."
Finally. I was not stupid to say I was a player. They would kill me for sure, a few higher stats would not make me stronger than them. I'm still level 0, my STR is at a stupid 5 and they have been doing quests in the city.
Walking a good two kilometers uninterrupted, I reached the bank. A big plaque written CLOSED greeted me. Damn it, I'll have to come back tomorrow.
Then I had a good idea. I can drink water in the wild but I'm hungry now, so I'll do it like that. Change titles, disappear, steal some food on a nearby restaurant, go back near the Bank to have dinner and sleep below a tree.
Tomorrow morning they better open it early.
I just pray no player see me, as it would create more rumours about the NPC boss who scared the gate guards, refused money and sleeps on the ground.