Justin came out from there. He was thinking something.

''how's this is possible did my father lied to me no, I need to find out''.

In the room, aegy and sia were fighting over something.

''your mother is queen doesn't mean you can order us''.

''OH seriously when did I order you, you are close that's why I just ask you to pass it on, I can't believe both of you and that stupid justin, I'm going outside to take some fresh air otherwise I'll become one of you''. Sia yelled angrily and went outside.

''Fine I don't even care go such a mean if it's not of queen I would have ahgfslgiuf you''. aegy. Someone entered.

''hey cool down you don't look good like that''.

''how can I cool down loreal she's so mean we saved her and she's really mean I am really really upset with her how can she say anything to someone cute like me''. aegy said looking at mirror.'' Loreal chuckles.

''ah where is justy-nusty I didn't see him since morning''. Loreal asked.

''I mean how, really I'm cute everyone know how come she is not mesmerised by my beautiful eyes ''. Aeyg whispered still looking at camera.


''I don't know he was here now he's gone''.

''okay where are you my sweetiepie''. loreal says and leave to find justin.

Sia's mother talking with a man and went inside a room after she entered they closed the room. There was bearded man inside same costume as rest of them and a bit older than sia's mom.

''yes drey what you wanna tell me, is something really wrong''. Jane asked furiously.

''ahem jane I was not hoping this but It's worse than we expected''.

''what are you saying tell me clearly drey please, for sake of my daughter''.

''she is transferring powers''.