They have reached the middle of jungle but still nothing happened.

''I don't like this place at all whoa butterfly so beautiful''. Aegy said frustrated and started run after a butterfly. Then butterfly sat into a flower. Aegy was about to catch butterfly.

''wait don't touch that I don't feel this is right''. Shihan said But it was too late he had already catch the butterfly.

''see nothing wrong with this lovely butterfly''. Everyone took a relief that it's safe and started walking but suddenly something goes wrong.

''wait I don't feel good''. said aegy who was still holding the butterfly. They stooped and looked behind them where aegy was standing. He was vibrating his eyes was flipping.

''aegy see it's not time for joke do you get that''. Sia said.

Suddenly a sound of big creak and he turned into a big monster. That monster roared.

''what the hell is this''. Said loreal.

''run run run he's monster now''. Justin said then he hold sia's hand started running. Everyone started running at full speed. After a while they found a safe place to hide.

Everyone was panting.

''oh my god aegy aegy now what happened to him''. said sia who was still holding justin's hand.

''I think he is a monster now''. said justin worriedly.

''god that was freaking horrible''.said loreal.

''what do we do now we have to make him normal''. said shihan. From outside they heard a voice.

''hey guys where are you sia justin shihan loreal save me

please he'll kill me''. said a voice.

''it's aegy let's go and save him''. said sia but justin stopped her she gave him confused look.

''wait I think he is still a monster and he was using aegy's voice to call us''. said justin.

They again heard his voice asking for help.

''what if he's definitely in danger I'm going outside to save him ''.

Sia leave justin's hand and was about to go.

''wait I'm coming with you''. said justin.

''me too''. said shihan.

''then what I'm gonna do here alone let's go and kick his ass''. said loreal energetically, which gave all of them energy too.

They all went outside and saw aegy was standing there back faced.

''aegy we're here''. said sia. Aegy turned.