After having fought with her boss, Lina ran back to her home, to see her sick grandmother. Lina's grandmother had type 2 diabetes. Because of this, she was very sensitive to stress. Stress caused her body to produce high levels of stress hormones, which drove her blood sugar levels up. And, this time, the reason for her high stress level was her grandson, Bob, who could not be contacted from past many many hours. Grandmother was very tense, and so was Lina. They had no idea where Bob was.
Lina took her grandmother to the nearby hospital. Doctor checked her and gave her a few medicines.
Grandmother sat in front of the doctor as Lina stood at a side, listening to what he had to say. "Keeping stress under control can help you control your diabetes. Hormones from stress increase your blood pressure, raise your heart rate, and can cause blood sugar to rise. High blood sugar can make you feel down or tired. This may increase your anxiety levels to a point, where you may begin to feel very uncomfortable. That's what happened to you," explained the doctor.
Lina listened to him as she rolled her eyes up at the her hopeless situation.
The doctor continued with his lecture. "You need to manage your stress! Lessen the stressors in your life," instructed the doctor as Lina and her grandmother left the hospital, after having purchased the medicines.
"Lessen the stressors! Very easy to say this.. How does the doctor expect me to remove Bob from my life," mumbled grandmother.
Soon, they both were back to their home.
It was night time already. Grandmother looked extremely tired and worried as she sat on an old sofa.
"Oh! My foolish child! Where is he lost? Why isn't the phone call getting connected? It's already so late. Why isn't he home yet?" cried grandmother, who sat on the sofa in the lobby of her little house. "I'm scared. He must be in some problem. My foolish child!" she cried again.
Lina came running out from her kitchen, holding a glass of water in one hand and grandmother's medicine in the other. "Grandma, please calm down! For the love of God, please calm down!" requested Lina. "This stress is making your sugar levels to shoot up. You heard the doctor, didn't you? Lessen the stressors! " repeated Lina.
"That stupid doctor! What a stupid advice!!," yelled the grandmother. "Lina, I am worried for Bob. Why isn't the phone call getting connected?" cried the grandmother as she put forward her palm towards Lina to get the medicines.
"Be positive grandma! You are overthinking. Maybe, his mobile's battery got over. Maybe, he lost his mobile's charger. That's why you are unable to call him," said Lina as she gave medicines to grandmother. Lina was trying her best to calm down her grandmother.
Their conversation was soon interrupted by Olivia, who had just entered the lobby area. Olivia was Lina's, 13 year old, younger sister- a cute brunette with chubby cheeks, quirky bangs, wearing a blue frock. She looked scared as she hastily walked towards her grandmother. "Grandma.. grandma.." stuttered Olivia. Her words were interrupted by her elder sister, Lina, who was now too irritated to hear anything else.
"Just a minute, Olivia," interrupted Lina as she signaled Olivia not to utter anything. "Grandma, please take the medicines first," continued Lina as she asked her grandmother to gulp down the tablets with the water. "I'll just go and visit William's cafe. He's there.. most of the times, whenever he's late," Lina consoled her grandmother, and interrupted her younger sister again, as she tried to say something.
"Grandma! Grandma.. " babbled the little sister again.
"What is it, Olivia? Can't you see.. Grandma is not well? Don't bother her," commanded Lina as she gave an angry look at her sister.
"I.. I just want to say.. that I saw Bob," stammered Olivia with her eyes wide open in anxiety.
"You saw him? Where did you see him? Why isn't he coming home? What happened? Tell me fast," insisted Lina as she looked at her younger sister.
"I heard him talk to someone on his mobile. Bob said that he had to take monetary help from someone," Olivia sobbed. "He said that he is unable to return the money, and is now stuck. Bob was in so much stress," stuttered Olivia as Lina and grandma listened to her with all their attention. "Bob said that he won't be coming home. And he asked me to tell grandma that he is fine," continued Olivia.
"May God forgive you! You know all this.. and it is now.. that you tell us." Lina yelled at Olivia and then turned her gaze towards her grandmother. "Grandma, why don't you say something?" snapped Lina. "Okay! I'll just go to William's cafe and take a look. I'm sure, I'll find Bob there," she said as she signaled her grandmother to finish off the remaining water in the glass that she was holding.
Lina hastily walked towards the exit door, as she angrily asked her younger sister to get out of her way.
Olivia and her grandmother sat on the sofa, as they waited for any news related to Bob.