Ning's Proposal

Lina sat on the bench on the seaside, lost in her thoughts, which were soon interrupted by shouts from her younger sister, Olivia.

"Sister! Sister!" Olivia shouted as she came running towards Lina. She was followed by a middle-aged lady with a pixie haircut - Aunt Ning.

"Olivia, what are you doing here? Who is that lady?" Lina asked Olivia, as she stood from her seat.

"This aunt is looking for you," replied Olivia as she pointed towards Aunt Ning, who stood smiling observing Lina from top to bottom.

"Hello Lina, I'm Ning," greeted Aunt Ning. Next, she turned her gaze towards the younger sister, Olivia. "Would you leave me alone with your sister, so we can talk. Ok sweetie?" Ning requested Olivia.

Olivia looked at Lina, and waited for her elder sister to reply. Lina gestured her to leave her alone with the lady. Olivia walked back in the direction she came from, but soon stopped and silently hid behind a bush to hear what was going to happen next.

Ning sat down on the seat, where Lina sat earlier. "Come have a seat," smiled Ning, as she asked Lina to sit down with her on the bench. "Do you often come to the seaside?" Ning asked after Lina sat down with her.

"Excuse me?" hesitated Lina as her expression clearly showed that she was surprised at the stranger, Ning, who was suddenly trying to make Lina feel comfortable with her.

Ning continued. "In my past days, I was very fond of such places as well.. places, where I could run off to.. and talk to myself, without anyone interrupting my privacy," remembered Ning as she looked at the vastness of the water body.

"Eh.. and then," asked Lina.

Ning gave a wicked smile. "And then, I realized that.. I was being stupid and crazy!" mocked Ning.

"Sorry! But, what do you mean?" questioned Lina as she stared at Ning. 'Did the lady just call her stupid and crazy?' thought Lina.

"You see.. Lina, the solution to one's problems can always be found with others," Ning asserted.

"I still don't get it," shrugged Lina.

Ning continued to explain. "Lina, I'm talking about the 'miracles'. You can't create a miracle by yourself. People lie when they say that you can perform a miracle. They are not created by you.. miracles are created for you. And when that moment comes, it is upto the individual to decide, if the person wants to live that miracle or just let it go. It's your choice!" insisted Ning.

Olivia, too curious to leave the scene, stood behind the dense bush, as she listened to the entire conversation between Ning and Lina.

"My choice? As if.. I chose to go through everything that has happened to me," mumbled Lina as her eyes rolled up in irritation. "By the way, can you please tell me.. who are you?" Lina continued.

"Lina, this time.. you will choose," declared Ning as she looked into Lina's eyes with confidence. "I wish to offer you a job," continued Ning.

"Job? What job?" Lina asked.

"A very interesting job," Ning reassured. "There is a man.. don't ask me who he is! And.. I need a girl.. who will make that man fall in love with her.. and then marry him.. And the girl who does this.. will earn a lot of money. I am looking for a girl.. who is in such suitable situations," explained Ning.

"Such situations? What does that mean?" asked Lina.

"It means.. the girl must be lacking money. So, for a lot of money.. she would do this job. Girl has to be poor!" insisted Ning.

"Excuse me?" yelled Lina.

"And a little dim-witted too," chuckled Ning.

"Hey old woman! Be careful with that mouth of yours! Are you saying all this to me?" Accused Lina.

"And a polite girl.. like you.." Ning gave a sarcastic smile. "I'm sorry for my words. But, I wish you.. to be that girl. If you take this job, make the man fall in love with you.. you will get a lot of money from me," smiled Ning.

Lina stared angrily at Ning. "Auntie! Look at me! I am not saying anything to you.. only after considering your old age. How dare you talk to me like that?" yelled Lina.

Ning's jaw dropped in surprise. 'How dare she call me an old lady,' she thought. Her right eye began to twitch uncontrollably as she pressed it with her fingers. "Look girl! My eye is twitching again. Don't you yell at me or something bad will happen," warned Ning. "I am the one who raises my voice in this city," yelled Ning, as Lina stared at her in confusion.

"But, why are you saying these stupid things to me?" demanded Lina.

Aunt Ning's eye stopped twitching all of a sudden. She knew that plan was going to succeed. "Girl! Don't be scared! Everything will be exactly like I told you.. like a game!" ranted Ning. "Trust your auntie!" quaked Ning again.

Lina sat speechless. She didn't know what to say. Ning saw her confusion and decided to continue to convince her.

"Lina, forget all that you've watched in those old stupid movies. I am the script writer here. I promise..I won't let you go into a bad state," insisted Ning. "And by the way, you are not going to get into a bad state.. more than you already are in," chuckled Ning as she observed Lina from top to bottom.

"My god! You just cannot stop insulting me," yelled Lina as she turned her back towards Ning, signaling that she was no longer interested in the conversation.