Paying attention to every single detail

Lina had one week to prepare herself for the job. And there was so much to grasp. She visited Aunt Ning's house every day, made notes of everything that was told to her and practiced a lot at her house.

Wang was very particular about his schedule. He would head to the gymnasium early in the morning. His driver and the personal assistant reached his house before Wang returned from the gym. No indiscipline was tolerated.

After Wang returned from the gym, he would straightaway head to his bedroom to freshen up and get ready for his office. The personal assistant would prepare the breakfast before Wang got ready. And then, three of them - Mr. Wang, His personal assistant and the driver would head towards Wang Fashion House.

As Lina perfected the art of coffee making, the number of tasks that she had to practice kept on increasing day by day. This was accompanied by all the general information related to the man, like his likings and dislikings, that Lina needed to know to get into the man's heart.

Words of Aunt Ning echoed in Lina's ears day and night.

"Remember Lina, this man doesn't like too many people around him. He loves his privacy. And, he hates crowd. He does not like to visit crowded places," stressed Aunt Ning. "He is very particular about.. keeping himself updated. You have to arrange for all the top fashion magazines every month. Don't miss any, else he'll get very angry," warned Ning.

Just like his meal plan, the man also had a dressing plan.

"The man wears dark suits on the weekdays and lighter ones on the weekends. The weekend ones have to be more comfortable than the ones for the weekdays. You will take care of the 'dry cleaning' according to this dressing plan," briefed aunt Ning. "Oh yes! And remember.. Necktie's choice is very important. He starts his week with lighter shades of necktie. And, If you ever see him wearing a purple necktie, this means that he is in a very bad mood," warned Ning.

During the fourth day of her training at Ning's mansion, Lina discussed a few office related issues with Jack and then went to the kitchen to practice cooking the meals that the man had in his meal plan. Her cooking was soon interrupted by aunt Ning.

"Lina, give me your phone," demanded Ning as she walked into the kitchen.

"It's 139 1099 5646..." Lina gave her mobile number.

"Not your number! Give me your device.. the mobile phone," corrected Ning.

"Oh!" Lina took out her mobile from her pocket and handed it to Ning.

Aunt Ning smiled and began to type something on Lina's mobile.

"Ahmm! Can I ask.. what are you doing?" hesitated Lina. "The phone is mine.. that's why I'm asking," she continued.

"I am downloading the man's favorite song. And from now on.. this song is going to be your new ringtone. The man will think that you and him have a lot in common," winked Ning as she smiled at Lina. "That's men for you! They like it when someone approves of their likings and dislikings. This man is no different," continued Ning as she downloaded the song.

"I get it," smiled Lina. "By the way, which song is it?" she asked.

"The Barber of Seville, by Italian composer Gioachino Rossini. You won't be able to understand this," remarked Ning as she handed over the mobile back to Lina, after having downloaded the new ringtone.

"Thank you," said Lina with a blank expression.

"And.. I'm going to buy you some books written by John Brooks and Benjamin Graham. He loves them a lot. If he sees you reading those books, he'll get mighty impressed," winked Ning.

"I think this will not work. If the man loves these books, he might have already read them. When he sees me reading these, isn't he going to think that I'm an ignorant person, because I've just started reading them," hesitated Lina.

"Lina! Sweetheart, don't use your brain that much. Just do as I say," mocked Ning as she kept her hand on Lina's shoulder. "Overthinking isn't good for the health. It will give you wrinkles.. nothing else," laughed Ning.

"Okay! You know better!" said Lina with her hands on the sides of her waist and her eyes rolled up in irritation. "Anything else?" she asked.

Ning handed over a big carry bag to Lina. "Yes! Take this to your home and practice," ordered Ning. The bag was very heavy due to the weight of the stuff inside it.

Lina opened the bag to see what was inside that was making it so heavy. There were a lot many pomegranates in the bag. "What am I supposed to do with so many pomegranates?" inquired Lina.

"The man eats one full pomegranate daily, before breakfast. You have to practice cutting and de-seeding them. Keep on practicing until you do it.. with speed and perfection. Understand this - the man is the most punctual human being in the entire world. You just cannot waste even a single minute," warned Ning.

"I understand. I'll start practicing as soon as I reach my home," reassured Lina.

Lina had no choice but to sway walk, in high-heeled sandals, carrying the bag full of pomegranates, towards the exit door.

"Ahmm! Lina, darling! Aren't you forgetting something? " Ning asked.

"What?" sighed Lina.

"SMILE!" yelled aunt Ning.

"Yes, Mrs Ning," said Lina as she gave a forced smile and walked out of the mansion.