Lina walked towards Wang's car. Robin, the driver, who stood near the car, guided the new personal assistant to the front seat, besides the driver's seat.
Lina had never been inside a luxury car earlier in her life. Her first time was inside aunt Ning's car. And now, she was sitting inside the king of all luxury cars - Bugatti's La Voiture Noire. Leather and machined metals were combined to create the perfect atmosphere for the owner. Nothing was left to chance, as the seats, pedals, and controls were measured and fitted perfectly.
A few minutes later, Wang walked outside the mansion's gate.
Robin smiled and opened the door of the car. "Good morning, Mr. Wang," greeted Robin.
"Good morning, Robin," Wang greeted back and sat in the car.
Lina's breathing got heavier again. She sat silently, as she tried to calm down her nerves. Robin, the driver, sat on the driver's seat and turned on the car.
Wang gave a glance at Lina, and then turned his gaze towards Robin. "Robin, did you meet the new personal assistant?" he asked and then turned his face towards Lina again. "I'm sorry. I didn't get your name," Wang continued.
Driver smiled as he drove the car and looked at Mr. Wang from the rear view mirror. "Her name is Lina. We met in the morning. I gave her the keys," Robin answered.
Lina gave a forced smile. "Yes! Yes! I got the duplicate keys," Lina mumbled, as she took out the keys from her clutch and showed them to Mr. Wang.
Wang could not stop himself from smiling at the innocence of the new personal assistant.
A few minutes later, they reached their destination - The UFO - Wang Fashion House.
At Wang Fashion House..
CEO Wang entered the lobby of the company. As per his daily routine, he walked towards his office, and took the path from where he could get a glimpse of his employees working in their respective cabins. Lina followed Mr. Wang as she savored the vastness of the mighty professional empire.
Wang began to instruct Lina. "This is our workplace. As you spend more and more time here, you will come to know your colleagues. They will help you with all the general issues," instructed Wang as he walked fast towards one of the employee's cabins.
Lina, who was visibly confused, fasten her steps so as to meet Wang's pace. Suddenly, Wang stopped outside an employee's cabin. Lina, failed to notice his stoppage, and she collided into Wang, and stepped on his neatly polished leather shoes. "Ohh!! I am very sorry. So sorry!" begged Lina as she took a step back to look at her boss's shoes. Her sandals had left a little dirt on his shoes.
Wang ignored the accident and entered the cabin, as Lina waited outside. Soon, he was back and proceeded towards his office. He gestured Lina to start making notes in the diary she carried, as he began to speak again. "There's a catalog shoot tomorrow. I'd like to meet John before that. John is the head of our shooting studios. Tell Ms. Chunhua to meet me as soon as possible. Tell her that I want to discuss about the robotic models.," said Wang as he continued to walk. "Water!" ordered Wang as he stopped and turned his face towards Lina.
"W.. water. Yes, Mr. Wang," stammered Lina as she unzipped the bag to take out the bottle containing distilled water. Lina carried her clutch, a dairy, a pen, Wang'a bag, and now, a bottle in her hands. As soon as she handled the water bottle to Wang, she lost her grip of the diary and the bag. The stuff fell down on the floor. "Oh! I'm so sorry. I'll pick them up," she apologized and bent down to pick up the fallen stuff.
Wang continued with his instructions. "We have to go to the clothing factory today. Make a note of it," ordered Wang.
"Y.. yes," said Lina as she reopened the diary to make the notes. "Ahmm! You don't have any time slot left for the visit to the clothing factory," Lina shared.
"Then create one! .. in any way possible," ordered Wang. "Clothing factory is most important to me.. I won't skip the visit," he continued.
Their conversation was soon interrupted by Ms. Chunhua.
"Wang! Where were you?" asked Chunhua, as she shook hands with Wang and gave a side glimpse at Lina. "Didn't we decide to visit the shooting studios today?" Chunhua asked Wang.
"Really?" Wang asked, as he turned his attention towards Lina. "Were we supposed to visit the shooting studios today?" Wang asked Lina.
Lina reopened her diary and had a look. "Errr.. I don't know. I haven't noted anything related to the studios' visit," sighed Lina.
Wang rubbed his forehead with his fingers. "I want you to learn fast. I am going to my office. Tell Mr. Smith to meet me at my office," ordered Wang as he walked to his office.
Lina was about to follow Wang, but was stopped by Chunhua. "You stay here!" she ordered and walked towards Wang's office.
Lina stood there, visibly confused, as she thought of her next line of action.