Chunhua's growing anger

Wang looked at Lina for a few seconds and then spoke out. "I'm listening. Tell me the tomorrow's schedule," he ordered.

Lina smiled, as she tried to calm down her nerves. "Tomorrow, you'll wake up early.. err.. very early.. and head to the gym. Actually, Robin, your driver, told me that you work out daily... early in the morning, and so, I had planned that you should have returned back to your home at 7:00 P.M today. Leaving your office early would have given you sufficient rest. But, it's already 10:00 P.M... And, I understand, that you have a lot of pending work to do at this time, and so, from now on.. I'll keep this time of returning back as flexible," blabbered Lina as she carefully observed Wang expressions and tried to read his mind.

Lina proceeded to narrate the complete next day's schedule, but was soon interrupted by Wang.

"I go rowing, tomorrow," shared Wang.

"Sorry, what?" asked Lina.

"For two days in a week, I go rowing.. instead of gym. Tomorrow is my 'rowing day'," replied Wang.

Lina made the required changes in her diary. "Aren't you overdoing it? I mean.. working till late at night.. and getting up early to work out. This is crazy," commented Lina, but soon regretted the lack of control on her speech. "Errr.. I did not say this in a bad way.. I meant good. In the end, this is your schedule and you have been following it for years. You know better! There is nothing to worry about," blabbered Lina with her eyes wide open.

Wang laughed out loud. He found the clumsiness of the crimson haired girl to be too addictive. "Yes, there is nothing to worry about," smiled Wang.

"I better shut my mouth," mumbled Lina.

"Sorry, I didn't hear you," said Wang.

"Err.. Mr. Wang, do you want me to accompany you till you reach your house, or do you wish me to leave for my house from the office itself?" asked Lina.

Wang smiled a little. "You may leave for your house. I, still, have a little work to do," ordered Wang as he focused his attention towards his laptop that was kept on his office desk.

"Ahmm! As you say," replied Lina, as she turned her back towards Wang and began to slowly walk towards the office's door.

Lina took two slow steps and stopped. She turned her face towards Wang again. "Errr.. Mr. Wang, I wanted to ask you about something," hesitated Lina.

"Yes?" replied Wang as he refocused his attention back towards the new personal assistant.

Lina stammered. "I.. I don't know.. if you remember this or not.. but, we.. err.. we've met.." Lina's words were interrupted by Miss. Chunhua, who had just entered Wang's office.

"Wang," Chunhua walked towards Wang as she spoke in a seductive tone. "You owe me a dinner.. and I believe, tonight is the perfect night for that," she continued, as she walked near to Wang and stood very close to him, with her hand placed on his right shoulder. "I'll take you to a place.. where we can have complete privacy," said Chunhua as she gave Lina a stern look.

Chunhua's words made Lina thought that this was not the right time to stay in Wang's office. "Ahmm! Mr. Wang, see you tomorrow. Good night!" said Lina, as she walked out of the office.

Wang sat on his seat, observing and analyzing everything that was happening.

Lina walked to her office to pack her stuff. She sat in her office for a few minutes and removed her sandals to massage her feet. The pain was intolerable for her.

Wang, who was having a conversation with Chunhua, saw Lina massaging her feet, through the glass wall that separated their offices. He could not stop himself from laughing again.

Lina got very conscious of the fact that Wang was watching her massage her feet. She, hurriedly, wore back her sandals, picked up her handbag and walked out of her office.

Chunhua, who was observing Wang, ignoring her talks and paying too much attention to the new employee, was getting impatient and angry at the same time.