Grandma's impatience

Lina walked to her home and rang the main door's bell. Grandmother opened the door with a tense face. She already had so many doubts and confusions related to Lina's new job, and to make matters worse, Lina had come back home very late after finishing her first day at the job. Grandmother was not liking this.

As soon as Lina entered the house, she was welcomed by grandma's series of questions about her new job.

"Lina, enough is enough! You have to tell me everything about this new job of yours," scolded grandmother. "All of a sudden.. you were able to arrange for such a huge amount of money.. and then your weird training.. these glamorous clothes... this fancy handbag.. the new hairstyle.. And now.. you get back home so late.. even when, it is just the first day of your job. What the hell is happening?" yelled grandmother.

"Grandma, I told you earlier too. The company management gave me the money.. and they will cut it from my future monthly salaries," explained Lina.

"Don't you dare repeat all those stupid lies!" warned grandmother. Why are you wearing this expensive dress.. and why did they tell you to do all this makeup? I will kill you.. if you are doing anything objectionable, " Grandmother yelled again.

"Grandma please! Don't yell at me. I am not doing anything objectionable. Don't make any wrong assumptions," requested Lina.

Their conversation was soon interrupted by Olivia, Lina's younger sister, who cat-walked into the lobby wearing one of the Lina's sandals.. that had been gifted by aunt Ning. "Sister, Look! I look so tall in these high heels," Olivia giggled. "I found these in your room," she smiled.

Lina hurriedly walked towards her younger sister, and bent down to get the sandals off her feet. "No! Olivia! I didn't purchase them. They were given to me by company people, so that I wear them on my job. If these footwear break down.. I will get into trouble," explained Lina. "Lets remove them from your feet. Go and put these exactly where you found them," Lina ordered.

"So, these sandals are not yours? And what about these.. the ones you are covering inside those plastic sheets?" asked Grandma as she pointed towards the sandals that Lina wore. "Why would your employer give you so expensive footwear.. and all these glamorous dresses to wear? Lina, just tell me everything.. very clearly.. what is this assistant's job? What are you expected to do in your job? I am not a fool. No company gives.. so expensive items to their employees," inquired grandmother.

"Grandma, you are overthinking. The company's management wishes to see all their employees as 'presentable'. That's it!" answered Lina.

"Shut up! That's not the case.." said grandmother. Her words were interrupted by the ringing door bell.

Ting Tong! Ting Tong!

Lina thought that this was a good opportunity to break the conversation. She removed her sandals from her feet, and began to walk towards the main door, barefooted. "I'll see who's on the door," she smiled and heaved a sigh of relief for having successfully broken the conversation.

Lina opened the door, and was pleasantly surprised to see her friend, Tina, at the door.

As soon as Lina opened the door, Tina put forward a series of questions before her. She desperately wanted all the answers for so many mysteries. "Who's the man? Is he old? Is he handsome? How does he look like?" blabbered Tina.

"Shh.. shh.. Lower down your voice! Grandma and Olivia are standing in the lobby," Lina insisted. "Come Inside," Lina invited Tina into her house.

Grandma saw Tina and smiled at her. "Good to see you, child!" smiled grandmother.

Before Tina could say anything to grandmother, Lina held her hand and gestured her to walk with her.. to her bedroom. "Grandma, Tina and I are going to have a little rest in my room," said Lina, as both of them hurriedly walked towards Lina's bedroom.

Grandmother was, clearly, frustrated. "Huh! Not again! You can run away from this discussion as much as you want.. But, I'm going to find out everything about this strange job," mumbled the determined old lady as she walked back to her bedroom.