Not again !!

Smith had played a very important role in Aunt Ning's plan. Not only he had improved Lina's image in Wang's mind, but had also prevented Wang from checking about Lina's background from the human resource department. As Smith constantly praised Lina, destiny ensured that Lina worked hard and carried out all her job related tasks with full energy. Everything seemed to be working out in a very harmonius way. But, for how long?

Wang and Smith, who had been discussing about Lina all this time, walked to the scene of the shoot to check the proceedings.

Miss. Sparklet Johnson was being photographed by John, as Lina, who stood near to the scene, waited for any orders from the team members. This was a very important moment for the company. A successful shoot with Miss. Sparklet Johnson would ensure that Wang Fashion House's share value would grow many a times and the competitors would have to face lots of financial losses.