
Wang held Lina gently by her arm and back so as to support her, as both of them slowly walked towards Wang's car. "It is definitely not a bone fracture," observed Wang. "Else, you would not be able to put any weight on your foot. I think the pain would go away in a day or two," he continued.

"I hope for the same," smiled Lina as she held Wang's hand tightly so as to avoid falling down. "Thank you for caring for me so much, Mr. Wang," she blushed.

Aunt Ning stood at her place as she watched Wang and Lina walk towards the car. She giggled with joy. Her plan was going smoothly till now.

Robin, Wang's driver, opened the car's door for the CEO.

Wang gestured him to help Lina. "Don't worry, Robin. I'll help myself. Would you please open the door for Lina and help her settle down in her seat?" said Wang.

While Wang sat in the back seat, Lina sat in the seat besides the driver's seat.