Wang's strange behaviour

Wang stood in front of Lina and Smith. He gestured Lina to go to his office. Lina hurriedly walked outside the door, so as to avoid irritating her boss any more.

Wang looked at Smith, who still sat in his chair. "I don't want to go to the party. You can say sorry and give any reason for my absence," requested Wang.

"Don't worry, I'll handle," assured Smith.

Both of them walked out of Lina's office. While, Smith walked towards the elevator, Wang walked into his office.

Lina smiled forcefully so as to hide her fear and spoke. "Yes, Mr. Wang?" she asked.

"What were you talking with Smith?" Wang asked.

Lina was surprised at Wang's question. She thought for a few seconds of what to speak.

Wang spoke before Lina could utter out anything. "I don't care about you having a talk with Smith. I am asking this just to know that if you were having a 'work related' discussion with Smith or not," said Wang.