Snowy Goo!

Lina and Tina, walking back to Tina's house..

"I could have avoided wasting all that money. How would I explain all that to aunt Ning," sighed Lina.

"You don't have to explain everything to Mrs. Ning. Let us implement our plan. After Wang gets impressed, then you can share everything with Mrs. Ning, and ask for all the expenses made," Tina suggested.

"Hmm.." Lina did not know what to say.

"So, do you want to do your hair straight away or shall we have something to eat first?" Tina asked. She was excited as hell.

"Erm.. lets do my hair first or I'll just worry and chicken out by the time we've had some food," Tina replied.

"Great! let's go!" Tina couldn't be happier.

Tina grabbed the carrier bag, containing the hair dye and took out all the stuff.