Way To A Man's Heart Is Through His Stomach

Tina and Lina had been chatting out in the kitchen, while they prepared some snacks. It was one of their favorite rituals. When Lina used to work as a waitress, she used to straightaway head to Tina's home. Sometimes, they, both, would walk together back to the home, and they would then prepare some evening snacks, along with tea or cold drinks. And, they would then gossip about all that had happened at the restaurant – Savoy kitchen. Since the day, Lina had quit the job as waitress, and had been hired as Mr. Wang's personal assistant, this ritual was no longer been followed. And, both of them had been missing this. Luckily, they were being able to restart it. Just like Lina, Tina had no drama with any boys, in her life, and she was more than happy to help Lina in any way possible.

"Right I'm dishing up now. So, do you want to take our drinks to the table and sit down?" Tina asked.