Chapter 0: Heavenly Melody

This year, the wintry frost refused to part ways with ease. Even this late in to the season,the bustling promise for new life had been long washed away by the chilling winter fury. The last of its dying roars rung true in the sky, bringing forth rolling thunders and heaven's tears.

Even here, in the long forgotten corner of imperial palace, the fury could be felt.

Its bitter tears continuously beat down upon the ailing eaves and its resentment chilled the old pavilion's rickety timber bones. Shamefully, the old structure moaned and groaned. Despite the majestical history it possessed, under the eyes of heavens it was only a speck of dust, thus it could only trembled in fear.

Just like the trembling figure that laid inside the room beneath it.

In contrast to the dark room, the youth's complexion spoke volume of King Yama's touch. With sweat soaking the temple and deathly pallor adorned, it did not seems plausible for the youth to see the morrow. The youth gasped and deliriously moaned.. seemingly fighting against King Yama's decree. The tiny fingers clenched unnaturally, against the patterned blanket, that blue and purple veins bloomed through the paleness.

Outside, a bolt of lightning tore across the sky and a peal of thunder followed. The youth shivered and panted heavily before violently arching the chest upwards and gasping deeply. Finally, the youthful body lowered back to its original state, resting against the bed and the tiny fingers unclenched.. leaving only.. a sigh. The room turned still.

A brisk wind swept through the desolate courtyard as the rain turned heavier, enveloping the stillness with its curtain. Pitter Patter. Pitter Patter.

Down the hall an even younger eunuch was pacing around.

"What should I do.. What should I do?" Xiao yu paced muttered. There was an obvious tremble in his voice and listlessness in his youthful face.

"The physicians refused to attend without the command jade. The maids all claimed that they are busy with the spring banquet. The rest of the eunuch ran the moment they notice my presence!" He scowled in displeasure, but the contrast of mature emotion and immature features could surely only tickle others to giggle.

"No, I can't keep staying here! If they refuse to help then I could at least steal.. beg a chicken from the kitchen to make broth soup." Xiao yu made a tight fist and determinedly proceeded down the wooden corridor. From afar, he resembled a veteran soldier off to wage war.. marching unflinchingly through the raging rainstorm.

The light tremor of his footsteps reverberated all around the old structure, it creaked and cracked before once again leaving only a solemn silence of heaven's cry. Pitter patter.. Pitter patter.. Pitter pat-


Without any warning, the rain ceased as the dark cloud glimmers with silver brilliance before unleashing seven lightning. They each flashed brilliantly across the sky. Seven heavenly flowers blossoming against the dark gloomy backdrop.

Inside the dark room, the cold body suddenly blazed with fever. Blue and purple veins once again blossomed through the pale translucent skin. Bit by bit, it travelled like a single interconnected vine and covered every single inch of the youth's skin.. it was a nightmarish sight. The veins slowly glowed like a lava rock and burnt through every single pore of the youth.. expelling luminous blood like liquid.. dyeing the bed crimson. The fever continued to rise higher and the youthful heart beats erratically against its frail vessel.

Heaven roared. Earth trembled. The seven thunders clapped down consecutively prompting the erratic heart to slow down and matched the rhythm of the rumbling thunder. Thump... Thump... Thump..

When the last of the thunders struck the soil. Thump. The veins on the body lost its unnatural glow and retreated back beneath the now healthy looking skin. Its master's breathing slowly evened out and every bits of the tense muscle relaxed.. sign of a deep slumber.

The world entered a frozen silence ..before the heaven's curtain returned to sooth upon the scorched earth. This time, seemingly softer as the scent of spring peeked mischievously from underneath it.
