Chapter 6: Conflict

"My brothers were really weird.." thought the princess.. prince.

It had been a week since Kang yun first woke up. Four days since her.. his.. heavenly revelation. He had had a snippets of the past eversince then but the latest dream was most vivid of them all.

He reminisced as he walked around the desolate yard. Other than the few green buds, mother winter was still jealously guarding its domain. Thankfully, with exception to the never ending cloudy sky, the temperature had turned warm enough for a pleasant stroll.

Kangyun's days had been quiet and peaceful. Mostly just him trying to adjust to his new body and recover his health. Today though, His body had finally became well enough for the little eunuch to stop nagging whenever kangyun chose to walk around the courtyard.

After a couple of days, he had even grew familiar with the rectangular estate. It was not big, small even if, compared to Qing Yun's past estate. Just three halls facing a central courtyard, two of the halls had been built closer to each other and they shared a backyard garden.. though its current condition had been left much to be desired.

The smaller hall was where he currently stayed. The interior consist of a bedroom, a bathroom, and a small study. The other hall, the late concubine's room, was slightly narrower but longer in length. Inside, its pillars had been carefully carved with bird motifs and the interior had been split to include a dining and reception area. Of course like everywhere else, it had now been stripped bare.

Wooden corridors that linked the two halls were called songbird steps.. They had been installed specially for Kangyun's mother when she was still favoured. Supposedly, she had been a musical enthusiast and had reared various songbirds as her past time. Of course, these steps had another usage which was the reason why it was often built by those who has the means to afford it.. sadly, in her case, it was not useful since the perpetrator was hiding out in the open.

Down the corridor and across the yard was the third hall, It was more run down and most probably had been allocated for the servants. Half of the hall was hidden by a wilted tree and some broken vineyard poles. Beside it was a small kitchen, a well and a storage shack.

In the center of these three, was the courtyard. Other than unmaintained shrubs and a small muddied fish pond, there were some broken pole that jutted out from here and there. Kang yun had questioned Xiao Yu about them and apparently the yard was once filled with various songbirds and these poles were used to prop them up. From there on, if you follow along the pebbled path, it will lead to its only entrance. A battered red door guarded by two broken statues.

Kang yun sighed. Years ago, this place must had been a sight to behold.. pity he could not see it for himself. Still, he might take the chance to find ways to spruce up this place. Considering he might be here for a while, at least until he found ways to return to his old body...Her body.. he would at least try to live decently.

He was deep in thought about the hidden potential of this yard when he heard a ruckus rising from outside the estate. The noise seemed to be traveling towards his direction.. and surely enough, it came barging into his estate.

A bunch of servants, led by an extremely wrinkly eunuch, threw a sack at his feet. Kangyun scowled at their brazenness and watched the sack wriggled around unnaturally. The rope tied to its end loosened up, and Xiao yu's small head popped out of it.

"Reporting to prince Kangyun. This little rascal was caught red handed pilfering from the kitchen several times. This servant had taken the matter into my own hands to teach him some palace rules." The eunuch reported smugly. The crowd sneered and none of them even bothered to salute the prince, confident that Kangyun would be too frightened to punish them.

Dumbstruck, Kangyun stared at the badly beaten eunuch. Many fresh wounds and gash apparent on his already badly bruised face. His facial condition was so terrible, Kangyun could not tell which was his eyes or his nose.

"Impudent!" Kangyun roared. For a second, as rage and exasperation replaced his earlier surprise, his old self.. Her persona took over.

His sudden outburst frightened the crowd to step backward and they quickly bowed, perhaps out of habit from years of serving the palace. or perhaps from his.. her majestic presence.

Though Kangyun was still unsatisfied..But, having been instilled from young on inner palace politics, his little brain quickly churned with various uncertainties which in turn, cooled down his anger. He still wasn't sure about the whole political climate to react aggressively.

On the other side, the sharp eyed old eunuch seemed to swiftly notice the hesitation that had crept into Kangyun's heart. He knelt down, deepened his bow and eloquently spoke.

"This humble old eunuch beseech prince Kangyun. Please redress the many grievances that the kitchen staffs faced. This thief had stolen many times from the kitchen to the detriment of the staffs. May prince Kangyun give us justice by demoting the thief out of the imperial residence."

As if on cue, the rest of the crowds repeated the plea and started kneeling.

Kangyun scowled, suspicions crept up into his mind.

He didn't think the amount of food Xiao Yu managed to filch would warrant such a huge crowd. After all, the food that he had been consuming was barely enough to appease his hunger. He was sure Xiao Yu portion had been smaller than his. There must be another reason for this ruckus.. but now was not the time to think about it. He must quickly escape from this predicament, preferably peacefully.

Kangyun was ruminating over the whole situation when his ears picked up a string of weak whispers. He looked down and noticed Xiao yu weakly whispering, "Prince.."

"Don't be ..angry ..Prince…Else, You might fall sick again," Xiao yu coughed, blood dripped from the side of his lips. "Don't worry.. This eunuch is strong... I will get better soon ...and make you more nourishing soup..herb..there.. chicken..."

Xiao yu deliriously repeated his words over and over again before he turned silent. Kangyun bit his lips.. his heart had became restless after seeing his loyal servant's predicament.

Kangyun scratched his head with annoyance, he really didn't want to do this. Nevertheless, he determinedly clasped his hands behind him. Mimicking one of the prince in the dream, he dialled the swagger into a full splendour and let his tiny voice boomed.. "Who are you to punish this prince's servant! Everything in this Imperial ground belongs to Father Emperor and this prince is his rightful son. Whatever I wish to take, I will take."

"P..prince." The old eunuch stunned silly by the unreasonable turn. "Th..that is.."

"You.. the old wrinkly one. Come here, let this prince looked at you." Kangyun cut off the eunuch and arrogantly beckoned to him.

The eunuch was reluctant, but Kangyun had dragged in the emperor's name so he had no choice but to obey. Else, he might get accused for disrespecting the emperor. He walked a few steps nearer and stopped. Yet, Kangyun once again beckoned him closer.

The cycle repeated itself until the eunuch was only half a step away from Kangyun. Still, the prince signed him to get closer. The old man looked lost and then, hesitantly knelt down.

Now, they were almost face to face. Somehow Kangyun smug demeanour intimidated the older man. A strange tension stilted the atmosphere..


A loud impact broke the tension, Kangyun had slapped the wrinkly face. Caught off guard, the impact left the eunuch sitting on his backside.

"Y...your hi....highness...?" The old man stuttered.

"Vile servants! Don't let this prince repeat himself again, I asked for your name and position."

"T..this..This humble eunuch name is Chun Ye. I am in charge of the goods distribution in the inner palace." The eunuch replied in a daze.

"Oho...Why are you not on your knees? Are you making light of the descendants of heaven?" Kangyun kicked the eunuch feet and stared menacingly, prompting the wrinkly man to quickly kneel once more. The eunuch bowed deeply, hiding his eyes that were filled with hatred behind the sleeves.

Though still a little intimidated, Chun Ye questioned himself on the strange behaviour of the child before him. Prince Kangyun was often in stupor from the medical sedation, his health frail and his character weak.. What led him to be so arrogant now..? Could it be he had gained a footing to rely on? His mind quickly ran through a couple possibility and decided on a scheme.

But before he could launch it.. a blow landed on his stomach. Kangyun had viciously kicked him. Blow after blow struck the eunuch, as Kangyun continued the assault.

"You wretched being. How dare you viciously stare at this prince? Are you thinking to assassinate me under father emperor's own house? Are you scheming against the royal family? Is that it?" Kangyun said with a jeer. The child's kick was not powerful but being hit in front of his own underlings must surely be shameful. None even tried to plead or save him.. merely watching from a distance.

"No.. your highness.. this servant would never schemed against the emperor. Please forgive this humble servant..I am innocent." The eunuch has no choice but to cling onto the leg while requesting for forgiveness. Kangyun reply was only to step on the man's head, twisting it further down into the rough ground.

"Your highness, please give this servant a chance to explain. Please..this servant is innocent." Chun Ye continued pleading. "T.. this servant swear, he would never schemed against the royal family!"

"Ooh?" Kangyun stopped, Amusement obvious in his voice. He let go of his feet and crouched beside eunuch. Softening his voice into a whisper, he murmured.

"Say, Chun Ye. If corruption is not scheming against the royal family, that what is?"

Instantly, the eunuch face turned ashen pale and he looked up at Kangyun. The eunuch heart turned cold as he watched a wolfish smile bloomed on the child's face.

"De..Demon" The eunuch can't help but muttered under his breath.

"What did you say?"


"Also, Did not this prince told you not to stare?"


"..And don't make me repeat myself."


Kangyun stood up after slapping the eunuch head into the ground. He then pointed at a middle aged man from the silent crowd.

"You, bring Xiao Yu into his room and send someone to summon the imperial physician. This prince will personally cut off your head if he dies."

The man turned pale and quickly did as what was commanded. Kangyun watched the man carried Xiao Yu off towards the third hall before turning his stare back at the eunuch. The old man had stayed still after getting slapped around, kneeling with his whole head on the floor.

"This prince wants to see my estate furnished, My courtyard cleaned and a bountiful dinner. Also, next time, don't appropriate the goods allotted to this prince estate. Else, you never knew where this news will travel to."

The prince harrumphed and flung his sleeve in disdain as he turned back towards his own room.

After the door creaked close. The crowds sighed with relief and quickly dispersed, perhaps shocked and frightened by the series of events or they had to meet their true master to retell this tale. Nobody but themselves will know.

Soon, only the old eunuch was left on the desolate courtyard.

Chun ye stood up, his old face wrinkled with fury and bitterness. The taste of humiliation had created a deep resentment inside his heart. He was after all a respected figure and had always been for years. Since he controlled the inner palace's goods distribution, even concubines and their descendants had to give way to him. Who was Kangyun to humiliate him so.

"Just you wait.. This shame will be repaid ten times its value!" He silently hissed.