All three dealers turned out to be very compliant. Being a cyborg that can deflect bullets and throw shuriken into their legs as they tried to escape was threatening enough. Considering what Batman has to go through sometimes, I thought it would be more difficult to scare information out of criminals.
It was a little disappointing, actually.
Once they spilled the beans, I let them go. Scared criminals spreading word about cyborg ninjas on patrol was bound to make things more… interesting in the future. I ran out of sight, let go of my Resonance, and went back to wandering the streets. Over the next two hours, I found three more dealers, and repeated the process on them. The last one seemed to be more experienced with interrogation and l had to get a little creative on him. At least, that's what I'd like to say, but I wound up just imitating Batman again- I carried him to the top of a building and dangled him off. I guess that is what it took for him to realize that I had nothing to do with the law, and his life was at stake.
From these drug dealers, I got two locations- an address for a Russian, and the docks. The docks, I expected- the docks were always going to be a place where some deals would go down. As for the Russian's address, that was an unexpected bonus. I decided to pay him a visit another night. For now, I decided to check out the docks.
Once I got there, it was a short flight away with Pharah, I scouted out the perimeter. Landing on top of a crane, I changed Resonances. Trying out Widowmaker for the first time, I activated my infra-sight goggles. I could see everyone working the docks from my vantage point. Most of them were going about proper business moving shipping containers and such. These were ignored as I looked for a larger group of people. Then I found them, on the north side of the docks.
"Ah, je te vois."
I swung on my grappling hook across to where they were. Now this was more like it. Guys in suits that were packing assault rifles, casually dressed thugs with guns moving their product into black SUVs, the whole deal. As I watched from above, I wondered which came first, this image in movies and TV, or the thugs actually doing it. Looking through the scope of my rifle, I looked for the leader. As it turned out, he was harder to identify just by looking. Perhaps he was lying low. It did seem like there was an excessive number of thugs. Thinking about it, it was probably the dealers I had already met.
I descended from my perch with the grappling hook and let go of the Resonance. It was time to fight. Time to send a message to the Hand controlling behind the scenes. I went down the roster of Overwatch heroes trying to pick who should be the "face" of this attack. One stood out. A dark figure in the night. A man who disappeared into smoke and attacked mercilessly. Someone inhuman, with a skull for a face. I smiled as I muttered to myself.
"Reaper, Resonance."
Black fog swirled around me as I turned into the Talon mercenary for the first time. For a second, I worried that his particular skills would be difficult to deal with. After all, I was only able to pull out a bit of Genji's skills after these past months of work. But to my surprise, he felt a lot like Soldier 76. Similar experience, fighting techniques, and training. The only possible difficulty was in using the dematerialization power. Even after turning into him, I still didn't really understand what Reaper was. I knew it had something to do with nanites and constantly regenerating and degrading, but Moira and Mercy hadn't said it in ways Reaper understood. Oh, well, that was a mystery for another time.
Now, it was time to strike.
I turned into smoke and flew towards the nearest guard. I hardly made any sound as I materialized behind him. Not until I materialized a pair of shotguns out of myself (I cannot describe how weird it was to feel that) and let it click behind him. I can only imagine what he felt when he turned around and saw the shotgun leveled at his chest. Then I spoke with Reaper's deep, raspy voice.
I shot him in the chest and threw him backwards into a shipping container. Both sounds caught the attention of the other goons in the area. Two of them were in direct line of sight to where I was. Not seeing their companion, they opened fire. One bullet hit me in the shoulder before I could go back into wraith form to advance closer to them. It hurt, but the pain swiftly faded as I made the change.
Once I materialized, I rushed up to the next goon. I thrust my elbow into his face and swung that hand down to grab his rifle. Ripping it out of his hands, I hit him with the butt before turning it onto the next guy. With careful aim, I shot him in his right shoulder. Not a fatal shot, but the pain should distract him for a while. When the bullet hit, his control on his gun went out of control, sending a spray of bullets into the air.
I chuckled evilly. If not before, I now had the attention of everyone in the area. Just what I wanted.