12 Years Ago

"Please! Please don't kill me! I don't know anything, I swear!" a man who worked for the Mafia bowed down in front of me, begging for mercy "How Pathetic." I stated, he stopped begging and stared up at me. I smirked and a Crow feather, fell down from the sky and I grabbed it, admiring the black color. "Crows, did you know a group of Crows is called a Murder, they're black birds known for their intelligence and adaptability. They even have a reputation for damaging crops. In my case I'm one Crow but can cause a lot of damage on his own, I'm a crow who will damage the Mafia, trust me, I have a great reputation of damaging also known as killing Mafia members." 

I dropped the feather and watched as it landed on the cement ground. I took out my gun and aimed it at the man's head putting my finger on the trigger "Please I have kids!" I laughed "I did a background check on you, you're just an old bastard who lives in a motel and sells drugs for money. And you have no wife or kids. I hope you rot in hell you son of a Bitch." I pulled the trigger and watched as the man's body fell to the floor and became still.

"Damn it, I know he knew something. I probably shouldn't have killed him so soon. Oh well I'll just find another Mafia member and get something out of them." I put my gun back in my jacket pocket and walked out of the alley while whistling a song my Mom used to sing to me. 

In our world there are 3 choices. You either give up, give in, or give it your all. Those who give up die, those who give in end up with the Mafia, and those who give it their all either live a good life or end up like me. In my case, I'm giving everything I have to get my revenge. When I was 10 years old, my parents were killed right before my eyes, along with my younger brother.

12 years ago

"Ramon! Ramon! Guess What!" I looked down at my little brother "What is it Elmando?" I asked, ruffling his brown hair. "Papa's coming home today! Mama said so!" he jumped up and down happily, "That's great, Hey why don't we hide in the closet until he finds us." I replied. Elamndo's eyes sparkled "Yeah! Let's do it." he grabbed my hand happily as he guided me to the closet. We passed a mirror and I glanced at myself for a second, I was still young, I had blue eyes, blond hair, and my skin was a little pale. My Mom glanced at us as we continued making our way to the closet, she smirked knowing what we were up too. She was washing dishes and preparing dinner, just then there was a knock on the door, me and Elmando quickly got in the closet giggling as I closed the door but left a crack to see everything that was going on.

Our Mom opened the door revealing our Dad who walked in with a smile spread across his face. She smiled and kissed him on the cheek "Where are the boys?" he asked, making us giggle. "Elmando! Ramon! Wherever can they be!?" there was another knock on the door and Elmando and me became silent. My Dad opened the door and 4 guys walked in, he seemed to know them.

"Mr. Martinez, what brings you here? Would you like a drink?" 

"No, I didn't come here for a drink. I think you know why I'm here Hector." 

"Oh? I don't know."

"Don't play dumb with me. You sold us out." 

My dad froze in place from that comment and took something out of his pocket "I didn't do anything. You must be mistaken."

The other man took out a gun and aimed it at our Dad. Elmando was about to walk out but I grabbed him and covered his mouth "It's ok they'll be gone soon." I turned my attention back to my Dad and the man.

"Not only did you sell us out but you also took a little treasure of mine. I want it back."

My Dad walked closer to the man "I didn't take anything. Like I said earlier, you must be Mistaken." the man put his finger on the trigger and my Mom quickly stood in front of my Dad "He doesn't have what you're looking for!" she shouted, but the man punched her in the face and my Dad took action, attempting to stab the man. 


My Dad's body fell to the floor with a thud and Elmando ran out the closet towards our Mom "Mama what's going on!?" he shouted as he started crying. The man took aim at them and my Mom started screaming and shouting


The man put his finger on the trigger "Please forgive me. The boy will remember us as long as he's alive."


My Mom and brother's crying became silent and the man put his gun away in his pocket, I quietly got out of the closet and hid under  the bed that was next to it and put my hand over my mouth to quiet my breathing and crying. "Search the house and kill anyone else who may be here." the other men began walking around the house. One of them made their way towards the closet and opened it, finding nothing, he closed it and walked upstairs.

I took this opportunity to run, I made my way to the door and looked at my Dad and then at my Mom who was still holding my brother in her arms. I couldn't smell the sweetness of our house anymore, all I could smell was blood. I heard footsteps and quickly ran out the door, running as fast as I could. In the corner of my eye, I saw a man who noticed me and quickly took out his gun. But I kept running, I couldn't die, I didn't want to die, I had to get revenge for my family.


Present Time

"And I'll kill every single Mafia member I find, until I find the man who killed my family." I stated, making my way to my next destination.