WebNovelDeath Crow100.00%

Broken Bonds

I woke up to hear yelling and screaming coming from outside of my room, when I didn't see Naomi by my side, I quickly got out the bed and grabbed a gun as I made my way towards the room door. I opened it slightly and peeked to see 3....no 5 guys walking around the bar. I spotted Naomi tied to a chair in a corner, she had bruises and cuts on her face and arms. Who did this to her! Next to her my Uncle was also tied in a chair, with cuts and bruises as well. I was about to walk out when I saw him, the man.....from that day.....the man who took everything away from me, Mr. Martinez.....I was too weak to do anything then....but I'm stronger now....and I'm gonna send him to Hell.

"I'm gonna ask you one more time, where's the boy known as Death Crow. I'd like to speak to him. If you don't tell me, I'll have to shoot you." Mr. Martinez stated, taking out a gun and putting the barrel against my Uncle's head. NO! I won't stand by and watch another person I care for die! Not this time! I opened the door all the way and quickly walked out, aiming my gun at him "You asked for me? Here I am." I stated, with a smirk. He smirked as well and moved away from my Uncle "Oh so you're the Death Crow whose been taking out my guys. Really? You're just a kid, either I'm underestimating you or my guys are just some weak ass men." I glared at him "I'm not a kid. And enough chit chat, I've been waiting 12 years for this. And now I can finally kill you." he sent me a confused expression "12 years ago? Just who the hell are you!? killing my guys for no reason! Asking about me! Making one of my workers change sides and work for you! And now you're saying weird shit about 12 years ago!"

I started laughing and put my hand over my eyes for a split second, catching my breath from laughing so hard. "You don't remember what happened 12 years ago!? Don't you remember!? There was a little house! A man named Hector lived there with his wife and 2 sons! Then you and your men came and killed him, his wife, and one of his sons. But the other got away. Wanna guess where he is now? Well Mr. Martinez, he's standing right in front of you." he stood there in shock and anger covered his face as he aimed his gun at Naomi's head. "Lower the gun or she dies." Shit! I looked Naomi in the eyes, she looked really scared and I could see worry in her eyes as she watched me lower my gun. Instantly the man took action and shot me in the arm and leg, I quickly fell to the floor and yelled out in pain. I could hear my Uncle and Naomi freaking out as Mr. Martinez walked towards me.

He sent a fist to my face and then dug his foot into my stomach causing me to cough up blood. I felt so much pain, I knew he was gonna be stronger than his men but I didn't know he would be this strong. Just then I heard a familiar voice shout something "THAT'S ENOUGH UNCLE!" the voice said, a familiar figure walked out from behind Mr. Martinez and I was shocked at the sight.