Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


53. The brothers who changed their destiny

Once two brothers met a sage who was known to be able to look into the future. The brothers paid their respects to the sage and asked him if he could tell them about their future. The hermit advised them. 'It may not be good for you to know your future. Besides, your future can change later even if I tell you now.' But the brothers insisted on knowing their future.

The sage looked at the elder brother and said, 'You will become a king in a year.' Looking at the younger brother, he said, 'You are destined to die at the hands of a murderer in a year's time.'

The brothers started walking back home. The elder brother was overjoyed, while the younger one was depressed. Now the elder brother started creating his fantasy world, dreaming of becoming a king.

The younger brother, who was destined to have less than a year to live, started spending his time in spiritual activities. He used his time to serve everyone and soon came out of his depression.

Eleven months passed. One day, the elder brother invited the younger one to join him on a journey. He wanted to look for a piece of land for a grand palace that he was planning to build, since very soon he would become a king.

They were crossing an open land, when the elder brother stumbled on a half-buried pot. The brothers dug out the pot and opened it. It was filled with gold coins. The elder brother was thrilled and started shouting, 'This treasure is just for me! It is for me to set up my palace and kingdom!'

Just then, a bandit jumped out from a bush, gave a blow on the elder brother's head and tried to snatch the pot from him. The younger brother jumped at the bandit to protect his brother. But the bandit attacked him with a dagger he had in his hand and wounded him slightly. During the struggle, the bandit dropped the pot and ran away.

The elder brother was very thankful to the younger brother for saving his life and offered him half the gold coins. The younger brother politely refused, saying that he was not going to live much longer in any case. The elder brother started living a lavish life with his new treasure - eating, drinking and being merry.

One year passed. There was no sign of any crown for the elder brother. The younger brother was also enjoying good health. They decided to visit the sage again. They met him and asked, 'How did your predictions go wrong?' The sage was also surprised and went into meditation to find out the reason.

He then explained, 'I told you that your destiny can be changed. He looked at the elder brother and said, 'Your destiny changed because of your irresponsible actions over the past months. The crown that you were to get was reduced to a pot of gold.' He looked at the younger brother and said, 'Your spiritual life, trust and surrender to the Divine changed your destiny also. Death at the murderer's hands was reduced to only being wounded by the bandit.'

Understand, destiny is not something written in stone. You can choose how to respond to every situation life presents to you. When you respond with awareness, you will have the intelligence and the courage to change the flow of events in your life.

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