Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


63. Have the right reason for faith

Even your faith, if it is established on incompletion is dangerous, because you will not have adequate or right reasons for your faith. Please understand, nol having adequate or right reasons for your faith is the most dangerous thing in life. I have seen people who start believing out of powerlessness. They feel powerless and they start saying, 'Oh God! Come and take care of me! Why are you not taking care?' You approach Him only with 'Why are you not taking care?' Even with God, we never establish any completion, we never establish any understanding, but straightaway we start asking, 'Why are you not taking care of me?' Demanding! As if it is your right that God has to take care of you! Please understand faith based on incompletion is really, really really dangerous!

I will tell you a story.

An elderly lady was well-known for her faith and for her boldness in talking about it. She would stand on her front porch and shout, 'Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!'

One or two days you can bear this, but not every day. And next door to her lived an atheist who would get so angry at her proclamations that he would shout. 'There is no God! There is no God!'

Of course, atheists are really very good at shouting! See, when you say that there is a God, you have the big problem of naming him! You have to name him - Shiva, Krishna, Buddha, Jesus. whatever. You need to shout a lot more words!

But the fellows who say there is no God don't need to memorize so many names. All they need to do is keep denying everything and just keep shouting, 'There is no God!' That is enough. So, atheists are professional shouters! They shout more loudly than the theists, the people who say that God is there.

Suddenly, hard times set in on the old lady. She started praying to God to send her some assistance. She stood on her porch and shouted, "Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Lord, I need some food! Please send me some groceries!

The next morning, the lady went out on her porch and found a large bag of groceries on the porch! She started crying, Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord!! Suddenly, her atheist neighbor jumped out from behind a bush in the garden and said, 'Aha! I told you there is no Lord and no God! It is I who bought you these groceries, not God!' Hearing this, the lady started jumping up and down, clapping her hands and shouting. 'Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! Not only has He sent me the groceries, He made the devil pay for it!'

Please understand the moral / wanted to convey from this story is this: Let your faith not be based on the idea that of what God can do for you! God should be the quality of your life, nol a utility in your life! As long as your faith is based on reasons, every moment there is a danger of your faith breaking down - if not today, tomorrow it will happen. When your faith cannot be shaken by anything that you perceive as failure, it blossoms into Trust.

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