Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


71. The Guru and the Ghost

Sadhu Om was a great sadhu, even though he was not very well known to the world. I am sharing a story narrated by him.

Every morning, a father and his little son used to go for a walk. One morning, while they were walking, the son spotted an old bare tree which was standing in a lonely spot, and was frightened for some reason, thinking that there was a ghost in that tree! He started crying and holding onto the father, screaming, 'Father, please take me away from here! There is a ghost in that tree!'

Now what do you think the father should do in such a situation? An intelligent father will carry the child and take the child near the tree, and show him that there is no ghost there, and remove the fear. Instead, if he says, 'Oh my son, don't worry! If you are afraid of that ghost. I will take you away!' and takes the child away, the child will feel comfortable, but that fear will never be removed.

The child always wants to be taken away from whatever makes him afraid, because he doesn't want to face that fear. When the father tries to remove the fear, he develops incompletion with the father - 'You are insensitive to my fear!' Even then, the father can console the child, but he has no right to take the child away from the tree without removing that fear pattern.

If the father takes the child away from the tree for the sake of comfort of the child, he is literally destroying the child, because the child will never know that there is no ghost in the tree. If he is afraid of this tree today, tomorrow he is going to be afraid of some other tree, and he is going to suffer his whole life with that pattern. The father who doesn't take the responsibility of making the child understand and complete with that pattern is responsible for the child's lifelong suffering.

In this story, the child is just like the disciple, just like you. You never want to face your fears, your patterns. You don't want to see the ghost called your ego! You are not ready to come out of your comfort zone. But it is my job to make you come out and be liberated from all your fears - even if you feel that / am insensitive to you. I tell you: if the father lakes the child away from the tree, it is equivalent to me giving up on you! That is the worst thing that can happen in your life! If you are given up on by the Master, even heaven will be the worst suffering. If you are not given up on by the Master, even hell cannot touch you.

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