Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


107. The secret of miracles

There was a man with a few disciples. He was not enlightened. He was just guiding the boys. A new disciple joined the group one day. He was so humble, so pure and authentic that the other disciples became jealous of him. They felt he would be the master's successor. There was a lot of politics, and they decided to somehow finish him off.

One day they said to him. 'If you really believe in the master, can you jump off that cliff there? If your trust is true, no harm can happen to you.' The disciple readily agreed, and went and jumped off the cliff The rest of them rushed down almost five hundred feet below into the valley. They went to pick up his scattered bones. But he was sitting there in lotus posture, looking very happy. He opened his eyes and said, 'You are right, trust saves! Thank you for helping me understand this!'

The other disciples thought it must be some coincidence, and they created another plot to kill him. A house caught fire one day and people were trying to resale those who were trapped inside the house. They told him. 'If you love and trust our master, go in and save the woman and child who are trapped inside.' The disciple rushed in and after a few minutes came out safely with the woman and child.

The others still did not give up. One day they were going somewhere, and they had to cross a river. They told him, 'You need not go in the boat. You have such great trust, you can just walk on the water. The disciple agreed and entered the river and started walking

on the water! The others were simply shocked.

That was the first time the master saw him. He was not aware that he had been told to jump into the valley and told to go into the burning house. He saw him walking on the river and asked him, 'What are you doing? It is impossible! The disciple replied, 'It is not impossible at all? I am doing it because of the power of your name, master!'

The master thought. 'lf my very name has the power to save this ignorant boy, then imagine who I am and what I can do!' So he got up and tried to walk on the river - and drowned!

Trust has amazing power. It works beyond logic. Anything that works beyond logic is the direct truth. It never fails. The power of surrender is such that even if the being to whom you surrender is not enlightened, the surrender itself takes care of you!

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