
This guy was so tall!!

So you think you're so tall that you can walk so fast. You're so great ah! She sulked.

She liked to wear wedge shoes. Her job required her to move around but she didn't like flat shoes, so she collected a lot of wedges shoes. just so happened that today she wore a 3 inches shoes.

And because of that, she had to walk slower because she was afraid that she would sprained her ankle if she rushed to him. She grumbled in her heart unhappily. To her surprise, he suddenly stop.

She got a scare there for a while, she thought she accidentally said it out loud.

But it turned out, he was only checking a message on his phone. She sighed a relief and walked closer to him.

He locked his phone and look up at her and asked, "Are you an author?" She looked confused with the sudden question but quickly shook her head, "No, I'm a project manager. My company published all the good novels in the world. The sales team will travel around to look for good authors and after they signed with us, I am in charge in making sure they're really published and paid." and then she gave a proud smile.

Because he was asking her question, and she answered, they walked side by side like old friends. She was surprised that he asked a lot of questions about publishing industry.

She thought a handsome guy would skimp on words to look cool. But she was wrong.

He kept coming up with questions for her, and without her realizing, they have walked side by side to the shopping mall.


He entered a store exclusively for suit and dress pants. He clearly was someone who wore this on a daily basis, for he was quick to locate what he was looking for, found his size and walked to the cashier to pay for it.

When she saw him walking to the cashier, she wanted to pay for his suit to pay back her debt. But he refused and didn't even let her fight for it. He didn't need her help to pick the motif or color for the suit as well. So she just stood there waiting for him like a good little wife to conclude his transaction.

Now, she was scratching her head. Why was she here then?

After he was done, he went to her and said "It's lunch time now, and I have occupied your time for a while, so let me buy you lunch. Do you eat soup dumplings?" she paused and said "Yes, but.." and before she finished, he already said "Then that's great, let's go". And he started walking to the exit door.

She was confused. Was it not her debt to pay??


She followed him out of the store and they walked to a famous soup dumpling restaurant on the second floor. It's right on time for lunch break, so the restaurant got crowded quickly. Luckily it's only the two of them, so they got a table right away.

He ordered two classic items and let her order the rest. She was not a picky eater anyway and thought the two classic items were good enough, so she just added a tofu dish and vegetable dish.

She was about to say something when suddenly her phone rang. She looked at the caller ID and noticed it came from the office. She signalled him that she needed to pick it up, and he nodded. She left their table and stepped outside the restaurant to pick it up.

Lee Ying's voice came through right away, "Yan jie, where are you? Let's eat, I'm starving~"

Shao Yan smiled at this childish behavior, "I'm at the shopping mall next door, I bumped into someone and spilled his coffee this morning, so I'm buying him lunch to pay it back."

Right? It should be her who paid this lunch. Right, she would not let him pay for it again no matter what. And then she cupped her fist.

Lee Ying heard that and so she halfheartedly resigned, "Alright then, I won't disturb you. I know how you feel about owing someone" and then she perked up again, "Yan jie, is it a guy? Is he cute? Take a picture for me to see!" and then she kept chirping away about this topic.

Shao Yan could not let the gentleman inside to wait for too long, so she quickly pacified Lee Ying before ended the call.


She went back inside and apologized to him. He didn't mind as he was checking his own work emails. The restaurant moved around so fast because it's lunch time and soon their dishes were brought out.

He has really good etiquette. He didn't talk much while eating. He was also being so considerate, scooped some dishes to her plate every now and then.

She couldn't remember when was the last time she had a meal and not having to talk about work and just enjoyed herself of this rare break time. She gradually felt relax and unknowingly she ate more than her usual portion.

She finished a whole bowl of rice! She was so surprised, because usually half bowl of rice was already enough to fill her up.

She was convincing herself that true enough, eating with a good looking guy increased appetite for worldly food as well!!

When the bill came, she finally won the race to offer her credit card to pay. She looked like a gangster for a while, so she embarrassingly said to him, "I really hate to owe people. So please just pretend you didn't see my valiant act just now and let it be."

She smiled sheepishly and turned back around to signed the paper.

She didn't look at how he was gazing at her intently and his eyes gradually turned warm. She was used to taking care of herself the past two years so she didn't think too much about who was paying for what.

But she didn't know that this person in front of her was a very successful M&A (mergers and acquisition) icon.

His name was known in country U, country G, country J and also here, and when women knew about his capability, they would gladly let him paid for everything.

Without questions asked.

So when he was faced with this kind of woman, he was baffled. Was she really so independent?