Happiness is in front of your eyes

Li Xiqing saw Shao Yan still in her sleep wear.

She was in a white silk camisole with silk shorts. She still had her messy bed hair. Damn! So cute.

His eyes trailed from her face, down to her snowy neck skin. And then he saw her soft lump underneath the white camisole, he paused, before His eyes went downwards and then to the silk white shorts. He saw her soft white thigh and her bare little feet.

His throat felt so dry.

He was really upset, how come she was always this careless! What if the one in front of the door just now was another guy and saw her like this?? So extremely alluring!

Shao Yan felt his scorching gaze all over her body and she felt butterflies inside her. She wanted to hide away.

Li Xiqing took off his jacket and put it on Shao Yan. He wrapped her tightly while saying, "I'm here to pick you up." while holding her shoulder and walking with her back inside the house.

"You're already late. Go get ready now", and then Li Xiqing let her go.

Shao Yan was still looking at him perplexed. But then she glanced at the clock, and rushed back to her room.

Li Xiqing just went to the kitchen and brew hot water to make her a cup of tea.


Qi Ling was looking at the whole thing carefully.

She was so confused.

She was sleeping soundly this morning. And then she was alarmed, who was ringing a doorbell bright early in the morning!!

The second she looked at the peephole, it was a very good looking guy.

Qi Ling pondered for a while before decided to open the door, thinking that he might be at the wrong apartment unit.

But she was so surprised when she found out that he was here for Yan Yan??

When Yan Yan came out, and recognized him, Qi Ling could hear from her voice, that Shao Yan was nervous, yet at the same time, happy.

Qi Ling was even more curious of their relationship. Qi Ling saw his stunned face when Yan Yan came out. Handsome guy took off his jacket, and scowled while he wrapped Yan Yan protectively in it.

And then pushed her back inside for her to get ready for work.

Now, Qi Ling was looking at the handsome guy, roaming around HER kitchen at HER own house, making tea for Yan Yan.

Qi Ling suspected, could she was actually stuck in another time dimension now? What was happening here?

She was away for only 2 months and Yan Yan already got a doting boyfriend??


Shao Yan quickly showered and got ready. She put on light makeup as usual, and then shifted through her wardrobe for what to wear today.

The weather was getting warmer. It's already summer.

She decided on knee-length light blue sleeveless dress. The material was soft and cool to the skin. Shao Yan decided to pair it with white skinny belt with gold seashells buckle.

She tied her hair to a ponytail, sprayed her perfume and then she took Li Xiqing's jacket from this morning before walking out.

Shao Yan slapped her forehead. This reminded her, that the jacket and tie that he left at her place last month was still in the laundry and Shao Yan forgot to pick them up. She made a mental note to do that tomorrow.

When Shao Yan walked out, Li Xiqing was already walking towards her and handed her a cup of fresh brewed jasmine green tea.

Shao Yan handed him his jacket from this morning and then she took the cup from him. She found that the temperature was perfect.

Shao Yan gave him a sweet smile and then drank it right away.

The whole sequence of their silent interactions was so harmonious. As if they have stayed together for a very long time.


All of a sudden, Shao Yan felt a cold killing stare from her side, and she reflexively turned to look. Shao Yan saw Qi Ling was frowning at her. She nearly choked.

She forgot about Qi Ling!

Shao Yan composed herself, and cleared her throat before saying, "Li Xiqing, this is my roommate, Qi Ling".

Li Xiqing was looking at Shao Yan drinking her tea with her happy face. He turned to look at Qi Ling, and nodded, "Hello".

Qi Ling nodded back silently.

"Ling Ling, this is Li Xiqing", Shao Yan paused, "Uh, we worked in the same building for now". Shao Yan seriously didn't know how to introduce this guy.

Someone who she bumped into before, and then he tricked me on an expensive laundry bill, who then took me to watch a go-kart race and then picked me up from my trip and told me that he's pursuing me..??


After finishing her tea, Shao Yan quickly escaped from the apartment to avoid Qi Ling cold stares. Shao Yan knew that tonight, Qi Ling would not let her have a peaceful sleep, not until Shao Yan told her everything.

"Bye, Qi Ling". Shao Yan put on her shoes, and quickly stepped outside.

Li Xiqing just smiled at her rushing figure, and then nodded at Qi Ling. He followed Shao Yan before closing the door behind him.

"When did you arrive? When you called yesterday, you're still in city B?" Shao Yan asked him after pushing the elevator button.

Li Xiqing took the laptop bag from her shoulder. He saw the sun was shining brightly on her face. He blocked the glares on her, "Yes, I just flew back this morning".

He was looking at her face now, "I will send you to the office first, and then I'll go home".

Shao Yan nodded silently, and then she asked, "Everything is done over there?"

The elevator just arrived and the door opened. Shao Yan stepped inside first.

"Karl and Martin are still there. They will take care of it", Li Xiqing pressed the button going to the parking garage.

Shao Yan just stayed still.

He just flew back today, and he came here right away?

Shao Yan was looking at him closely now.

She started to realize a lot of things. She clenched her hand. All you need was to be a little brave, Shao Yan!

The happiness was already in front of your eyes! Offered on a silver plate for you!


They reached the parking garage and then walked to Li Xiqing's car.

Li Xiqing walked to the driver seat. From the back seat, he took out a plastic bag, and handed it to her.

"Breakfast. Eat it while it's warm" and then he started the car.

He drove the car slowly, enjoying his morning with her, while talking to her all the time.

Li Xiqing told her everything in detail about city B trip. What he did there. And who he met. Or what he ate.

Huh? Why did this feel familiar?

Wait a minute!

Was he reporting his activities to her?

Shao Yan blushed. She was not even his girlfriend!! Why did he has to do this??