Hold her tight

Shao Yan especially asked for something light as she was not used to eating dinner. So Li Xiqing decided on just vegetable and tofu.

Li Xiqing moved really fast. In thirty minutes, he whipped up two vegetables dishes and a tofu soup.

Since she was not allowed in the kitchen, Shao Yan decided to set up the dining table. After she was done, Shao Yan decided to watch TV while waiting for Li Xiqing.

He came out with dishes after a while. Both of them sat down and started to eat.

Shao Yan was not a picky eater so she didn't have any complain about his cooking. Although not fancy, but his cooking was definitely better than hers.

"I would say, that I'm confident that I cooked braised pork ribs better than you. That's the only thing I know how to cook because I especially learned it from my grandmother." She proudly defending her lack of cooking skill, cheekily stick out her little tongue.

Li Xiqing looked at her. He just smiled and agreed with her and did not argue back. "Then cook it for me next time."

Shao Yan smiled back. "This Sunday, I'm going shopping with Qi Ling, alright? You go busy by yourself. I will still meet you for dinner." she said while drinking her tofu soup.

After Qi Ling was back from her Asia trip, she had been busy with her pending photoshoots. These were the contracts that she had signed prior to her trip.

Qi Ling would leave the house around noon and only came back after midnight. She had a very strict rules of not taking any job on Sunday so she could rest or run errands. And that was the only day when Shao Yan would be able to catch up with her.

Li Xiqing pondered for a while. "Alright then, Karl and Martin have been bugging me for weeks to play golf. I will go with them."

"But we will still meet for dinner, okay?" he looked at her.

Shao Yan nodded, "Yes, I've told Qi Ling about this."


They chatted while eating, and joking. Since Shao Yan didn't contribute anything to dinner, she decided to wash the dishes.

But even this was stolen from her. By the dishwasher machine!

"Just put it there, I will run it later. There are already some other plates inside, so I can run them together." Li Xiqing helped her to put some of the plates into the sink. She briefly rinsed them before she put them into the dishwasher.

When Shao Yan walked out, Li Xiqing was watching some news while lounging on the couch.

He saw her came out and then reached out his hand. Shao Yan reached for it.

After he got hold of her hand, all of a sudden, Li Xiqing pulled her onto him and she landed on his lap. He immediately embraced her from behind.

Shao Yan was surprised, but she didn't struggle.

She laughed, "Let me go, I'm heavy," she hit his arm that was hugging around her waist.

Li Xiqing put his chin on her shoulder, "Just stay like this for a while."

Shao Yan was nervous. But she just stayed still, and let him hold her like this. She watched the news with him in this position.


Her back was leaning against his chest. Shao Yan felt warm and comfortable. Li Xiqing would sometimes kiss her shoulder, or he would drew circles on her arm with his fingers.

She really couldn't understand any of the news in front of her since she was so distracted!

Shao Yan was thinking of what she should do next, when she saw his hand left her waist, suddenly appear in front of her face. He touched her cheek and brushed it softly.

Li Xiqing turned her face to look at him.

He was staring deep into her eyes and not saying anything. He was looking intensely at her and then gently closing in.

He saw her pupil widen in shock, but Shao Yan didn't move away. He looked down at her and stared at her lips.

And then he kissed her.


It was only a light touch. Their first kiss.

Shao Yan closed her eyes.

She could hear him sighed softly, and then he put more pressure on her lips, tasting her.

He breathed in her fragrance and slowly moved his lips to pry open her mouth.

Shao Yan could feel he was nibbling on her lower lips now. He nibbled and then he kissed her softly, and then another taste. He kissed her like this for a while.

He would softly touch her lips and then bit a little. He's slowly torturing her.

Shao Yan hesitantly kissed him back.

And this was all Li Xiqing needed as a signal.

He slipped in his tongue and started to kiss her deeply.

Li Xiqing put more pressure on his arm around her waist to bring Shao Yan closer to him.

She was wrapped tightly in his embrace now. Both of his hands were still holding around her waist. Shao Yan had both of her hands on his shoulder, deepening their kisses.

Shao Yan was overwhelmed with his masculine smell and she circled her arms around his neck. When Li Xiqing felt her hands around his neck, he kissed her more aggressively.

Shao Yan felt her body was melting and Li Xiqing stiffened up.

He hold the back of her head and continue kissing her deeply. She drove him crazy!


Her soft little bottom was sitting on his thigh. They were kissing so intimately now. Sometimes they would go slow and smiled. And then they would be more intense and more aggressive.

She moved a little. When Shao Yan felt his body reaction beneath her, she suddenly froze.

Li Xiqing let go off her lips slowly and just leaned his forehead to hers, while catching up their breaths.

His hand stroke her back and she was also breathing hard, trying to catch some air.

He looked at her face and saw her watery eyes and blushed cheeks. So pretty.

He lightly trailed his fingers on her cheek, caressing her soft skin.


Shao Yan was shocked at herself. It's been a long time since she had this kind of aggressive kiss before. She felt light-headed.

Shao Yan let Li Xiqing touched her face while she collected herself.

And then she braved herself to look him in the eye.

She saw a very gentle gaze from him, like million of stars blanketed her whole world.

His smile was so gentle and then he gave a soft peck on her cheek.

Li Xiqing brought her head to lean on the crook of his neck, her whole body was leaning on him. He cradled her on his lap as they calmed down.