Be patient

Shao Yan was laying weakly in his embrace. The water was already cold. Li Xiqing picked her up, and put her to sit on the edge of the tub.

She was leaning on his chest and he supported her while he picked up the towel on the side. He slowly started to wipe her body so she would not get cold.

He wiped her face gently, and then he kissed her forehead.

He wiped her neck, her breasts and then her arms. And he kissed her mouth. Nibbled her lips for a while, and danced with her tongue. He had to force himself to stop. If he continued, Shao Yan would get sick from exhaustion.

He softly sighed.

Li Xiqing propped her up. He continued to wipe her tummy. And then he bended on one knee and wiped her legs one by one. And then he turned her around and wiped her back, her bottom and her thighs. And then he kissed her butt cheek.

After he was done, he picked her up, and walked back to the bedroom.


Li Xiqing put her inside the blanket, and covered her. He softly kissed her forehead and stared gently into her eyes, before he strode to the bathroom to drain the tub.

When he came back, he saw Shao Yan, who was wrapped inside the blanket, had peeked her head from the blanket and was looking at him.

Her eyes still had traces of her passion and her cheek was blushing. Li Xiqing smiled at her and walked to the bed.

Shao Yan saw him walking closer. His body was still fully naked, but she stared boldly. She only realized now, he had a very nice physique. His sculpted chest muscles, his lean waist, his sturdy long legs, and his strong.. umm.. brother, was looking proudly at her.

Shao Yan gulped.

She felt her face was so warm. She pulled the corner of the blanket slightly up to cover her cheek. But she still could not take her eyes off of his whole beautiful self.

When he was closer, Shao Yan lifted the blanket a little for him. After he settled in, he scooped her into his embrace, and hold her before closing his eyes and relaxed himself to sleep.



Just sleep like this??


"Xiqing.." she called him softly.

Li Xiqing opened his eyes and looked at her, "En? Are you cold?"

Shao Yan shook her head, contemplating if she should say it. She debated for a while, and said, "You.. You are not done yet."

Li Xiqing saw her face was blushing a shade deeper. He was turned on again. Damn it! Why did she has to be this seductive!

Li Xiqing calmed himself down, "I'm fine. Let's sleep. We are both so tired." he kissed her cheek.

"Be patient. We have many more nights in the future" he smiled with his eyes already closed and snuggled to her hair.




She's not patient?!

Shao Yan was dumbfounded. She was clearly already asleep. But he had to tease her like that until she.. She..

(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻

And multiple times too!!

And now he said she's not patient??

Shao Yan was so angry, she slapped his arm and pinched his cheek.

Li Xiqing laughed out loud, and held her hands in front of them, caging her down. He wanted to say something, but suddenly he stopped. He indeed had forgotten something.


Li Xiqing slowly raised himself a little and reached out to the bedside drawer and took something out. It's a long rectangular shaped box made of purple velvet.

Shao Yan was looking at him, puzzled. He opened the box, and from it, Shao Yan could see a chain of necklace. It was a simple gold chain with a small pendant.

The pendant was a cherub, she was half sitting and half standing on a crescent moon, looked like she was about to fly away with one hand stretched out to a star. The crescent moon had three diamonds at the bottom where she sat. On the cherub's hand, she was holding a star, which was also made from diamond.

Li Xiqing took the necklace out, and unclasped the hook. He put the necklace on her while she was still feeling confused. Uh.. why did he suddenly give this?

After he was done, and swiped her hair back, he looked at her. His hand traced the chain on her neck and then held the pendant with his fingertips. The necklace now sat perfectly on her neck.

"Behind the cherub, you will see one character engraved on it." he paused and then he looked up at her, "It's 'Qing', and I'm forever yours, Shao Yan".

He smiled and then quickly kissed her forehead to hide his stiff smile. He was feeling really awkward. He was not used to saying such words to a woman. But today was special for them, he wanted her to remember their journey together.

Shao Yan did not know what to say. This man kept offering himself shamelessly to her. She did not have any chance to refuse or to escape anymore.

Shao Yan did not say anything for a while, so Li Xiqing thought she had fallen asleep. But all of a sudden, he heard her whispers, "Why did you give me a necklace today? It's not even my birthday."

Li Xiqing looked at her. The lights had been turned off, except for a small light from the bathroom. Her face was so soft and tender, and her sleepy round eyes were looking at him.

He knocked his fingers onto her forehead, "You didn't hear what I say in the tub just now, did you?"

Shao Yan could feel her cheek slowly heated up again. She was so busy trying to hold herself together earlier, of course she could not pay attention to anything else!

Li Xiqing did not continue to tease her, he softly chuckled, "It's our 100 days together. I have had this cherub with me for a while. And now she finally found the right owner."

He seemed to want to say something more, but he quickly continued, "I'll tell you the story next time. Let's sleep now. We are both so tired already."

Shao Yan saw his eyes changed a little just now, and she wanted to ask more. But she was indeed so tired. After climaxing multiple times, her energy were all drained. She reluctantly agreed, and slowly relaxed back on the bed.

She was much more relaxed now. No more tensed muscle and she slowly became drowsy. Not long after, accompanied by the steady breathing from the man beside her, Shao Yan swiftly fell asleep.

He watched her sleep. His arms under her head and he ran his fingers through her hair, a gentle smile on his face.

Perhaps, she was having a good dream; unconsciously, she scooted closer and smiled.


When Shao Yan woke up the next day, the man beside her was no longer there. The space where he slept before, was already cold.

She got up, and quickly went to bathroom to shower and get dressed.

After the anniversary project was done, Shao Yan and her team were given two days off. For once, she didn't know what to do. So while she was showering, she started to plan on her schedules for these two days.

Shao Yan decided that first, she would clean his apartment. Then, she would go back and clean hers.

Since the theme for her day off was 'cleaning', she also decided to bring her camera for photoshoot outing. She wanted to 'clean' her exhausted soul.

Alright! Good plan, Shao Yan.

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A huge thank you to _MiniAce_ for some of the inspirations *wink*