He will protect them

"I bought" smooch..

"Something" smooch..

"For you" another smooch..

Li Xiqing left her lips, but his hands were still holding onto her face, and smiled at her. His face was so close to hers. She could count his eyelashes and he could easily breath in her fragrance.

She looked into his dark brown eyes, finding solace of stars were staring back at her. He was happy to find that Shao Yan was getting used to his kisses and their intimacy now. He could even see that sometimes, she was actually expecting it. And that swelled his pride.

"It's inside those bags" his chin pointed to the several paper bags on the other side of the sofa.

Shao Yan turned to look at that direction, and saw the bags were piled neatly on the side. She turned back to Li Xiqing with excited gaze. "Those are for me?"

Li Xiqing laughed and nodded, "En. Open them."


Shao Yan let go of her hold on him, and reached out to grab the bags and dragged them closer to her. She began ruffling inside the bags.

Her eyes lit up when she saw the content. She looked back at Li Xiqing, and flashed him a very dazzling smile.

"Li Xiqing! You're very sneaky, aren't you. I told you all those stories just now, and suddenly you bought this camera for me?" she was speechless. "You're timing is just...."

Li Xiqing smiled back at her.

"That means, you picked the right guy. I know what you need, what you want, at the right time."

He rubbed her hair gently, "Just trust yourself to me from now on. Alright?"

Li Xiqing leaned back on the sofa with his hands were casually propped behind her. He was watching her intently, she kept showing an expression like a kid while opening their Christmas presents.

Shao Yan took the contents out one by one, and began assembling the accessories that he got for her.

She sighed, and turned to him, "Xiqing, you pamper me too much. These are all the stuffs with good reviews."

She turned around and grabbed his hands, "Did the camera shop owner talked you into buying all of these??"

Her big round eyes were looking deeply into him. Her eyebrows slightly scrunched, she felt upset for him.

He smiled and patted her head, "He did not. He recommended some for me, and all came with different price ranges. I simply want to get the best for you." he shrugged nonchalantly.

She beamed at him and pecked his cheek.


After she assembled them, she wanted to try her first shot. Shao Yan picked up the camera and then aimed the lense at Li Xiqing, "Smile for me, handsome".

Li Xiqing was surprised. And slowly, he smirked for her, and gave her a very... lazy... seductive smile.

He lifted his eyebrow a little, the corner of his mouth slowly perked up. He kept his eyes staring deeply at her. He slowly leaned back to the sofa, and posed for her. He crossed one leg over the other, and said, "Is this okay?"

Shao Yan was stunned, she forgot to click the shutter.

Her heart was beating so fast. Her man, this gorgeous creature, was posing only for her. She was looking at his eyes, his tall sharp nose. She eyed his sexy chiseled jaw, and down to his sturdy chest muscles. Her eyes traveled along to his long legs and stopped at his thigh muscles. She unconsciously gulped.

She saw him moved, and gradually leaned in closer to her, and whispered, "You're drooling, Yan Yan".

Shao Yan snapped back and hit his arm, "Li Xiqing!!"

He thundered out a hearty laugh, while she kept hitting his arm. After a while, he grabbed her waist to hold her. "On a serious note... Do you like it?"

Shao Yan pouted at him for teasing her. But she put the camera aside, and leaned back to his embrace. She nuzzled into his chest, and he heard her muffled sound, "En... Veryyy!"

She stayed quiet for a while, her hands slowly crept to hold him around his waist, "I'm very happy, Xiqing." she paused again for a while. And then she added.

"Thank you."

She tightened her hold around him. Li Xiqing ran his hands along her back, and rubbed her back up and down gently. He encircled his arms around her tighter.

Li Xiqing smiled, he felt content. This was enough.

Fuck all the past. He would protect this present moment, and he would shape their future together.

Nothing AND no one would tear them apart.

This is his vow for both of them. For their future.


"Are you staying over tonight?"

Shao Yan was laying on top of Li Xiqing on the sofa. Her soft body was pressed down on top of his. Both of her hands were folded on his chest.

She propped her chin on top of her arms and looked up to him.

Li Xiqing, rested on the arm of the couch, had his one hand behind his head. Another hand was holding around her waist, he kept her steady because he was afraid that she might fall from on top of him.

"Do you want me to?" he asked the question back to her.

Usually, Shao Yan would not answer and just blush. But this time, she surprised him.


After a while, she nodded, "I want you to." and then she felt so shy, she pressed her cheek back onto his chest and just quietly listened to the calming heartbeat beneath her.

His warmth slowly seeped onto her blushing skin, turning her even more nervous than before.

Shao Yan hesitated for a moment before saying again, "But, what about your clothes?" her voice was so soft, tickling his heart.

She looked up at him, "Uhm.. I only have your jacket from last time." She got up from him slowly and then leaned back on the sofa.

Li Xiqing sat back up, "Don't worry, I have a change of clothes in the car".

Shao Yan looked at him, puzzled.

"In case I need to stay back for meetings" he explained, "I have a habit of carrying a set of casual clothes and a set of formal clothes."

He got up, and walked to the kitchen counter to grab his car keys, "They are in the car. I will go and get it. You can wash up first." He rubbed her hair again and then kissed her forehead.

Shao Yan nodded and then after she heard the door closed, she got up and went back to her bedroom to shower.