Sexy as hell

Shao Yan was standing with her back against him. Only in her tiny maroon lace panties and nothing else. She was standing and her dress was pooled under her petite feet which she had put on a pair of black velvet heels with ribbon strap.

Since the dress was designed with a very low back, Shao Yan had decided to not put on a bra. She had just undressed herself and was about to pull up the dress when she heard his footsteps behind her. She froze.

Li Xiqing was staring at her; from her milky bare back to her soft round bottom, all the way down. She was already on her heels, so her bottom was perky, her whole figure looked so sexy and inviting.

He walked over and then bended down. With his index fingers and thumb, he took the shoulder straps from under her feet and slid it all the way up.


His fingers were touching all over her skin as he went. Her ankle to her calf. The back of her knee and then her thigh. He touched her waist, and then his fingers grazed the side of her breast.

Shao Yan could feel his scorching gaze on her. She wanted to move, but somehow she couldn't. Her knees were weak.

From the side of her breasts, he then continued to slid the straps over her shoulders. His fingers trailed from the shoulder straps down and then zipped the dress.

Shao Yan could feel his cold fingers were tracing the edge of the zipper on the lower back, trailing up to her spine, and then all the way up to her nape.

He swiped her hair to the side, and slowly lowered his head and kissed the area between her nape and shoulder.

She shivered.

His left hand which was holding her waist, slowly inched to the front. He spread his palm over her lower tummy; and then he pressed her onto himself. She was leaning on his chest and she could feel his large bulge inside his pants. Her eyelid fluttered.

Shao Yan tilted her head to the side, she wanted to tell Li Xiqing not to mess around because she was already late.

"Li.. Uhm"

But before she got the chance to say anything, Li Xiqing had sealed all of her words away. His right hand was holding her chin, slightly tilted it back. While he already bended his head down so she could kissed him easily.

He was sucking her lips, slipped his tongue with vigor and tasted hers, dancing with her tongue; devouring all of her kisses.

She had reflexively put her hand on top of his. He grabbed it and linked her fingers.

With their left hands linked together, he put more pressure onto her lower tummy, pressing her closer to him. She could feel the bulge was getting larger and harder behind her.

They kissed for a long while.


She had her eyes closed, and softly moaned over his deliberate tortures. His right hand left her chin and went down to her neck. He softly caressed her shoulder, down to her right arm.

His right hand found her trembling fingers. He brought their hands together and locked them in front of her tummy.

After he could feel that she was slowly losing her breath, he let go of her mouth. Shao Yan was kissed silly, she lost all of her strength. Luckily, his left hand was still holding on to her, supporting her against himself.

Her knees were weak. She was looking back at him with glossy eyes. Her eyelashes fluttered. Her soft pink cheek were beet red now. She was so beautiful!

His thumb was caressing her lower lip that had already been kissed swollen.

They were both breathing hard. She heard his hoarse whisper, "That, my love, is your punishment for looking so sexy as hell."


Shao Yan blushed so hard.

How was this sexy! This dress was totally normal. She could not imagine what would have happened if she decided to put on the silver one instead?

She didn't know what to say. She was still feeling so weak, her back was leaning entirely onto his hard muscular chest. His palm that was spread open and pressed onto her lower tummy, was slowing caressing her tummy to calm her down.

He smiled lazily. And gave her small kisses over her lips. So gently.

With his smile and his caresses, she could not calm down! He was totally seducing her!


When he bended his head, and wanted to kiss her deeply again, he heard the room keycard was inserted, and then the room door was opened from the outside.

"Xiao Yan?"

Fan jie had come into the room to check on her. "Do you need help with your dress? Or maybe your makeup?"

Li Xiqing gave a soft chuckle and smiled silly at himself. What was he thinking? If he continued, would he really take her then and there right away?

He was too reckless!

He was amazed at himself that he actually didn't feel annoyed after they were being interrupted.

He breathed slowly while leaning his forehead against hers. His fingers slowly caressed her cheek. Shao Yan was still collecting herself.

Seeing that Shao Yan was still in a daze and had no intention to reply Fan jie, Li Xiqing decided to be the one who replied instead.

"We are in the dressing room. I am helping her to zip her dress." he paused. "We will come out soon."


Shao Yan slowly came back to her senses. She could feel that her face was so warm. She didn't have the courage to look at Li Xiqing.

Everytime this man kissed her, it would always awaken something inside her. She had never thought of herself as a pervert. Not until she met Li Xiqing.

His every single touch, every single stare and every single kiss was torturing her like mad.

He was introducing all of these senses and let her experienced something that she had never known before. Even though she was not a stranger to a man's physical need. But everytime Li Xiqing shamelessly made his desire for her known, she felt so weak, and she realized that she was actually hoping for it.

Before she met him, she had always felt insecure. Liwei did not want her anymore, how would it be possible for other men to want her again. But everytime Shao Yan received Li Xiqing's adoring gaze, or his attentive behavior, or his warmth; she felt that her confidence was returning.


She slowly straightened up, and tidied her hair nervously, her hands were shaking. Li Xiqing also checked all over her, making sure that she was dressed properly.

Shao Yan turned around, facing him. But she was too nervous to look at his face again. He rubbed her hair lovingly, "Are you alright?"

Shao Yan could only bite her lower lip and nod, "En." He smiled and kissed her cheek gently.

She didn't know what else to say. She coughed lightly and then just decided to walk around him, and hurriedly escaped the dressing room.


So shy!!

Li Xiqing was becoming more and more shameless!!

H.. He.. Just now.. He!!


He touched her all over!!

Argh! This was so embarrassing!

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