Decided on him

She took the lead and started to kiss him slow. After that talk, she was engulfed with various emotions. She did not want to lose him. She wanted this happiness and she would not let anything get in their way.

Li Xiqing could sense her change in emotion, so he let her be.

At first, it started with small pecks all over his lips. She brushed her lips slightly over his mouth, teasing him. She licked his lips a little and then looked into his eyes, and smirked.

She lowered her lips again and caught his lower lips and slowly nibbled it. His hands were initially only holding her waist, but he slowly wrapped around her and pulled her closer.


As they were nibbling on each other, Shao Yan climbed onto him, and straddled him.

She sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck and deepened the kiss. His hands moved lower and supported her soft bottom that was snuggling comfortably on top of his manhood.

She slipped her tongue into his mouth. Once or twice, her tongue would caress the roof of his mouth, driving him crazy.

He started to take over the lead, and ferociously kissed her back. His hands started to trail from her bottom, to the sides of her body.

He controlled the pace now. He moved slower, tasting each of her kisses. His hands gently stroke her up and down, slowly torturing her. Sometimes he would graze the side of her breasts, seducing her. Shao Yan could not help but moan.

She could feel him poke her softness, growing harder and harder. She moved a little - provoking it further. His hands grabbed her bottom and squeezed them, he groaned, "Don't move further, Yan Yan" his hoarse whispers caressed her swollen lips.

Li Xiqing bit her lower lips and moved to kissing her jaw, and trailing down to her neck. He pulled her closer, crushing her to his embrace. She leaned on him, and he could feel her tender breasts were pressing on him.

His muffled groan were buried in her hair, and he breathed in her seductive fragrance. Her view was growing cloudy and she could not think clearly anymore.


Li Xiqing paused, trying to catch on his breath.

"Not now, Yan Yan" he breathed out hot air onto her neck, and kissed the skin between her jaw and her neckline.

He lifted his gaze, and looked into her eyes, "I want your whole heart, Yan Yan" he stared at her swollen lips, "And not just because of momentary lust."

His darkened gaze bore into her. He traced his thumb over her bottom lips, "So really start to think about it. Are you ready to give your whole self to me?" he was still trying to catch his breath.

Her round glossy eyes were looking back at him, she looked so beautiful with the slight blush on her cheeks.

"Because I won't let you go."

Li Xiqing could see her face turn one shade redder. He smiled and kept locking their eyes together, "And because of that, I'm willing to wait." he kissed her cheek.

"For as long as you need."


Shao Yan was stunned, she buried her face on the crook of his neck. Her heart was rushing like mad. She didn't know what to say.

Li Xiqing had never once hid his desire from wanting her. This man clearly had a painful erection every time they kissed. Every time they snuggled, she felt that he was always at the losing end. She knew how much he wanted her.

Shao Yan helped him several times, but that must be not enough for him.

But now, no matter how painful he was, he told her that he would wait for her. That he would give her time. That all he wanted was not only her body, but also, her whole heart.

This man was too amazing. She still could not believe that she met this kind of man in her life.

She was glad that she had decided on him. She knew she would not regret this decision. For the rest of her life.

And she would show him that.

୧( ˵ ° ~ ° ˵ )୨


Their off days were spent just like that. Shao Yan and her team had to come back to work again. Li Xiqing had been sending her to the office everyday now. If she went back to her own apartment, he would pick her up in the morning.

He brought breakfast everyday and they would eat together in the car. He drove, while she fed him.

Karl and Martin had gone back to their own offices. Shao Yan felt heartache looking at Li Xiqing who was already so busy, but yet, he still insisted on picking her up, and bringing her breakfast everyday.


Today, he brought Shaobing for breakfast. They were on their way to her office. Shao Yan was feeding him a bite, while they stopped at the traffic light.

"Don't pick me up anymore. I can drive by myself. You're already busy enough, you need more sleep" she complained softly while wiping his mouth of the sesame crumbs.

Li Xiqing smiled and finished his food before saying, "Move in with me then. It's your place too."

Shao Yan was in a middle of drinking her soymilk, and she almost choked, "Qi Ling will kill me" her eyes went so round and huge; and stared at him flabbergasted.

Li Xiqing sighed softly, "Sooner or later you will leave that place. She will have her own boyfriend too." he paused when he had to make a U-turn to her office.

"Besides, I don't feel comfortable leaving you to stay by yourself everytime she travels. Take your time to think about it."

Shao Yan did not say anything and continued to drink her soymilk.


They finally arrived at her office building. Li Xiqing parked the car in front of the lobby and then turned around to look at her.

"Don't feel pressured from what I said just now. Take your time to think about it."

"I will only ask for one thing, Yan Yan" he paused and held both of her hands, "Please don't ever change your mind about us."

She went quiet and squeezed his hands back, "Li Xiqing, I won't change my mind. You don't have to worry about that." she gave a very gentle smile at him.


**Shaobing is a flat bread with sesame seeds. Sometimes it has fillings of sesame paste or mung beans, or sometimes it could be meat or egg.