The matriarch

The birds were chirping loudly. Shao Yan stirred in her sleep. Her eyelids moved once, and then twice. Slowly, she could register the sun rays that seep through her curtains.

'Ah! I guess the rain last night has stopped now, the birds are so noisy!' she grumbled inwardly.

Shao Yan tried to turn to her side, to snuggle deeper into her pillow, but she felt constricted. She tensed immediately; but gradually relaxed when she remembered him. She felt his soft breathing on her ear and neck, while a pair of arms were holding her waist so intimately, and her leg was linked with another.

Shao Yan tilted her head slightly to see Li Xiqing was sleeping soundly while spooning her from behind.

"Xiqing," she whispered softly, while trying to nudge the giant bear.

Li Xiqing was sleeping so deep, he did not even moved a glitch. Shao Yan slowly escaped her hands from his captive, and decided to try again.