Are we going to be alright?

The weather was beautiful.

Earlier, due to the intensity of the hot and passionate love making, the sun was feeling so shy, it decided to hide behind the daring clouds.

But now, the sun finally decided to come out to show off it's might on this gorgeous autumn day.

The wind was blowing softly and blanketed Shao Yan and Li Xiqing; accompanying the couple who was walking hand in hand. Sea of red and yellow leaves arched proudly above them, making the whole scenery as if they just stepped out of a painting.

Li Xiqing asked one of the ryokan ladies to prepare some light snacks. She handed over a small bag to him as she bowed her body a little when sending them out. With help of some locals, Li Xiqing and Shao Yan decided to take a bus to the forest area.