Grocery night

Shao Yan spent the next thirty minutes trying to find the items that Li Xiqing had noted down.

This was a fairly new shopping center and she had never been here before, so Shao Yan was not familiar with the shelves arrangements.

After walking for a while, she finally found the produce area. Shao Yan quickly pushed the cart over and started to look for potatoes and carrots. Just as she was about to start walking again, her phone rang.

"Yan Yan, where are you?"

Li Xiqing had parked the car and was looking for Shao Yan. He was initially planning to walk around but he underestimated how big the supermarket was, so he figured, calling Yan Yan would be faster.

"Oh! I'm at the produce area, all the way at the back," she turned her head to the left and right, trying to locate his tall figure.

Li Xiqing voiced his acknowledgement, "Alright I know. Just stay put, I'm on the way."
