Family relations

Shao Yan scooted closer, "In my dream, I felt that Mom may be worried about me being alone. She kept rubbing my hair and she looked so sad too," as she snuggled into his embrace.

"So I told her, 'Mom, I am doing fine now, Grandma is here, Sis is here, and I also have Xiqing here.' and hopefully that will calm her soul," she said while placing her head comfortably in the crook of his neck.

Li Xiqing planted a soft kiss on her forehead. His broad palm was rubbing her back, as her sleepy voice rang out narrating her dream to him. He did not say anything, and just offered his whole self and listened.

"Mm you smell so good," she said drowsily while rubbing her cheek onto his skin, "how was your meeting today?"

Li Xiqing chuckled, and he wrapped her closer to him, and whispered, "Let's talk tomorrow. Let's sleep now, alright?"