Being honest

When Shao Yan got into the car, her phone started to ring. She peeked at the caller ID and let out a gentle smile, before she closed the car door.

"Yan Yan," his soothing voice caressed her ears, "I just saw your text, are you driving home now?"

Shao Yan leaned back on her seat, and her eyes skimmed outside of her car window; while looking at the sky bridge in front of her. From afar, she could also see the famous iconic building of the city, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower.

This view had never stopped to mesmerize her. While enjoying the night view, Shao Yan started to say, "Not yet, I just got into my car now. Where are you?"

Li Xiqing was walking somewhere, as she could hear the sound of his footsteps echoed on the other side of the phone.

"We are just done too, I'm about to go home now. But then I'm craving some Japanese skewers. Shall we meet at the Yakitori place we went to last time?"