Mother Li

When the weekend finally came the week after, Li Xiqing had promised Mandy to go to the airport together to pick their parents up. Shao Yan was also invited to go along under special request from Mother Li.

They arrived about thirty minutes before their arrival time. The three of them were standing under the automated information board to check on the Arrival Gate.

"Xiqing, I will go get some warm drinks for all of us," Shao Yan glanced at the clock before continuing, "You just stay here with Mandy. Anyway, the convenience store is only five minutes away."

Li Xiqing scanned the surrounding Terminal area; he was trying to remember the location of the convenience store as they walked in earlier. He nodded, "Alright, be careful."

Shao Yan smiled at the two of them before walking away.

"Qing Qing," Mandy pointed at an empty bench not far from them, "Let's wait there."