Enemies Unite

Meanwhile in Oscorp Industries...

Norman was sitting in his office while monitoring the working scientists. His right brow was raised while listening to the report of the head of the scientists.

"Sir, the serum isn't fully made and we need more time to complete it." said the scientist. Norman stared at him before standing up and straightening his suit.

"Let's go." he said and go to out of his office. The scientist managed to follow him to the lift heading underground.

"What are the negative effects that you've found?" asked Norman as he glanced at the scientists working.

"Sir, the psychological affect the subject's mind and made it crazy." answered one of the scientist that made Norman raise again his right brow.

"How about the physical effect?" asked Norman while focusing on the serum that was displayed in the back of the room.

"The physical effect are outstanding, sir." answered the scientist.

"Good. It means you can get rid of the negative effect if you have a strong will." said Norman while nodding.

"Sir, I'm afraid that your view is not-" said the head of scientists but was interrupted by Norman by waving his hand.

"Enough! You are working for me not to judge me but to support me! You, a lowly scientist should thank me for hiring you!" shouted Norman.

"Throw him out of here!" shouted Norman to the 2 guards that was guarding the room. The guards quickly walked beside the scientist and grasped his arms.

"No sir! Please! My family needs me!" shouted the scientist but was dragged away rudely be the guards.

"Don't ever question me next time and just work if you don't want to be like that man there." threatened Norman while everybody looked at him like a madman except for one man who wanted to take the opportunity.

"Sir, I have a possible solution that can possibly complete the serum." said the young scientist.

"Oh?" said Norman interested while walking towards him and only stopping after he approached him.

"Tell me what you think." said Norman.

"I have speculated that Spiderman may have bitten by our runaway radioactive spider." first said the scientist.

"Then?" asked Norman impatiently.

"The radioactive spider' bite may have gotten Spiderman have superhuman abilities that made him stronger and more intelligent. If we can have Spiderman's blood or any DNA that we can study, I will be confident to say that we can complete the serum." answered the scientist.

"Spiderman, huh?" mumbled Norman before staring at the scientist.

"What's your name?" asked Norman.

"Alistair, sir." answered Alistair.

"From now on, you will be the head of the scientist. I hope for you to complete the serum." said Norman patting Alistair's back before going to the lift into his office while thinking on how to capture Spiderman.

Meanwhile, Alistair is grinning widely. He obviously take the credit from the former head after learning it from him.

Everybody knows about it because he says it but they were warned not to say everything about it even if they are fired because it will be dangerous.

They all stared at Alistair angrily. When they saw him grinning, they shook their head. This is how greed consumes a person. Soon, they start working on how to improve the serum before their boss will be crazy and capture Spiderman.

Meanwhile in the office of Kingpin,

Wilson Fisk a.k.a Kingpin is staring at the reports in his desk before throwing them at the floor angrily.

"Do you think I will accept this result!" angrily shouted Kingpin on James. His right hand.

"Why is the reason about all this failure!" asked Kingpin.

"Sir, Spiderman always discover the deals and capture all our lackeys and the buyers." answered James.

"Spiderman? Good. Good. Good. Wash your neck Spidey, I will come to you." said Kingpin looking at the papers thrown into the floor.

James just shrugged. He already knew Kingpin. A dangerous man who loves eliminating his enemies. James felt sorry for Spiderman but who is he to question. Spiderman is not his acquaintance neither he knows about him.

"Go out!" shouted Kingpin and he does immediately knowing about his mood.

Meanwhile, Kingpin is thinking on how to kill Spiderman when he remembered Norman. Yeah! The guy who was developing serum and needs funding. He quickly call his hacker.

"Hello?" said the hacker.

"Send Norman Osborn's telephone number." commanded Kingpin and hung up. After a few minutes, he finally received it. He grinned and call Norman.

Oscorp Industries...

Norman is busy finding a solution about how to capture Spiderman when he heard his telephone rang.

"Hello? Who is this?" asked Norman.

"This is Wilson Fisk. I need a favour. If you do it, I will transfer 10 billion to you." said Kingpin confidently.

"Okay, what is the deal?" said Norman excitedly.

"I need to capture Spiderman with the help of the serum." said Kingpin.

"Ok, I also want to capture Spiderman to complete the serum so the serum wasn't completed yet." said Norman.

"It's okay. Since you wanted to capture him too, I hope you will cooperate with me." said Kingpin grinning. Easy peacy.

"Fine." only said Norman and also grinned.

While they are making their plans, Peter is in the Baxter Building watching Tony announcing about him being Ironman.

Great. Only said Peter in his mind. He was now aware that while he was busy making and inventing things, he forgot about the matter. It will only take few months and the Avengers will unite.

He was soon grinning as he thought about the Avengers. Little did he know that Green Goblin is coming soon.


Answering comments that caught my eyes...

Whoever left this comment: Why is the MC not acting like Peter. Isn't it the about the novel for the MC to act like him?

Author: Excuse me but this question made me smack my hands on my face. Like seriously? It's a big fat no! Yes, the MC is the fan of Spiderman but he is not a crazy fan to act like his idol.

Whoever left this comment: Harem.

Author: This makes me look at my phone with horror. Sorry but no. I don't want to add many R-18 scenes here. Just be satisfied with one girl! It's hard for me to make harem in modern days!

SuperVegeto: Is it okay for you to set Peter and Gwen?

Author: I'm very okay with it. But you have to be patient first with Felicia as I was imagining solution on how to get rid of Felicia.

You might be wondering on how I remember your name and why am I agreeing on your request, my answer is simple. You commented on how this novel is great and also rate it so thank you very much! This is a great help for me to be confident!

I'm thinking of dropping this book at once when I saw the bad comments but when I see your comment, I became confident so thank you! Thank you! SuperVegeto!