
Chapter 8


       We rushed down to the hospital, I and Yusuf. I was rambling and sniffing because I didn't know what the future held.

I was scared.

"It's okay,he will be fine," he said,rubbing my back soothingly with one of his  hands and the other to drive.

When we arrived at the hospital, I rushed out of the car without waiting for Yusuf to park.

I walked straight into the elevator without seeing the security man who wanted to question me. Yusuf stood behind, answered all the questions. I'd pressed the button where papa was before he jogged  inside the elevator before it closed. 

I strode out of it and saw ummi ,uncle shuaib who was my maternal uncle and my younger bro. Ummi was on the floor crying while Uncle shuaib was comforting her.

I ran to ummi and started to tear up.

"Mum,what happened?"I asked ,using my hand to wipe my running nose.

"I don't know_know"she stuttered,"we were eating this morning, then _then he..."she sobbed.

"Then what..."my words were shut when the Doctor came to us.

I stood abruptly,"what happened to him?,how is he?,_is he okay?" I bombarded the Doctor with questions.

He smiled softly at me "he's doing well but he asked his daughter, who is she?"

I stood straight,"me,I'm his daughter"Yusuf stood beside me.

"But before you go in,he wants your husband to check on him" he glanced at Yusuf as if he knew he was my husband, "He asked of you too"he faced Yusuf while he  nodded his head.

"Wifey,I'm coming. Be strong"he whispered and kissed my forehead before he left.

"Mom, what do you think papa wants to see Yusuf?''I asked confusedly. 

"I don't know binti*." She replied. (*my daughter) 

I saw Yusuf coming out of the room looking in deep thought, I shook him."What happened?, is he okay?" I asked.

"He's fine,he wants to see you now" he tried to smile to reassure me but he was really failing at him. 

I entered the room and saw papa on the bed ; like a lifeless body but the beeping of the monitor-help me to know he was living.

I rushed to him ,"papa" my voice croaked.

"Beti*,I'm okay. I just wanted to see you for the last time"he kissed my forehead. (Dear). 

"I love you binti*,but promise me you will try to love your husband" I wanted to talk but he held his hand. ( My Daughter) 

He touched my cheeks, wiping any traces of tears before he continued,"Let me talk please, it wasn't because of his money or fame that I wanted you to marry him. But because of his love for you that showed clearly in his eyes ,when he came with his father. And I'm sorry for slapping you that day; I wanted you to see that I was trying to protect you from Him" his voice broke while I shivered. " It pains and hurts a good parent to not able to save his daughter and he's the only one I think he can, I'm sorry beti* if I've wronged or crossed you"he said apologetically. (dear) 

"No papa, you never wronged or crossed me"I said ,shaking my hand and holding our hands together.

His breathing changed, the monitor was beeping loudly, he was moving or shaking vigorously on the bed,I tried to hold me but it was in vain. I rushed out of the room shouting "doctor!!!!" .

The doctor and nurses followed me, "I don't know what happened, the monitor won't stop beeping"I could not stop rambling. 

The doctor told me to stay with my family outside,that they need to check on him. I nodded and went to Yusuf.


As the doctor to him that his father in law wanted to see. 

Why?. He was dumbfounded. 

He entered the room after saying his Teslim, he walked to him. 

"Sir" he called softly. 

"Oh you came" he asked surprisingly,"I've a request from you" he said softly. 

"Na'am*, I'm hearing" (Yes) 

"Please protect that child, don't let her go. No matter how bad she treats you ,please endeavor.." he coughed.

"Promise me you will protect her, love her, cherish her and care for her. She's the apple of my eyes, please don't let anything happen to her. She put on a strong facade but inside she's a broken, damaged girl that needs to be protected" her father held his hands, begging him.

"Because he is still coming back for her," he said and looked at the other side.

"Who is he?" Yusuf asked and he never replied. 


He raised his head and saw  wifey coming toward him,she looked broken or dead inside.

He vowed to protect her from bad people.

He held her close to my heart, she was still weeping but silently.

The doctor came to them and asked if he could see Yusuf but wifey didn't allow it.

"If you want to say anything, say it here"she said boldly.

He loved her boldness when with all the tears up.

"We are sorry, we tried our best but the person who owns life has taken it back"he said sentimentally and walked away.

"Whhhhattttttt"she wailed while Yusuf gulped nervously.

"Inna Lillahi Wa inna ilahi rojiun" he murmured under his breath. 

"That's impossible, I saw him now, we were talking and and and...."her legs gave out while Yusuf quickly snaked his arm around before she fell. 

She scouted toward him, then looked at him with a stained cheek "is this how people die?"she asked softly. 

"Shhh, issokay"I said, rubbing her back.

"It's not,you don't understand. He's my role model, my father, he's my rock..."she sobbed. It pained him to see her crying, he hated seeing her crying.

"I understand,then I promise to be your rock,your comforter, your companion, your friend" he promised her.

"Can I hug you"she asked timidly, Yusuf was shocked before he regained himself and wanted to reply before she cut him off. "It's okay if you don't want to, I just want some hug. I want you to hold me and feel your body..." he didn't let her finish before he scooped her.

And he hugged her.