
Chapter 17


Something did not feel right. He had a gut feeling that something bad was going to happen. Since the moment he left home, he was feeling like something was not right, but he shook it off and drove off.

Zainab was in need of assistance; she was his childhood friend but everything changed since the last three years. He dated her for six months before he broke up with her and realised that she was like a younger sister. He wished he had realised that sooner.

Even his parents wanted them to marry each other except his granny. Her parents too were wealthy but not like them. Her parents were divorced when she was still little but her father still loved her mother; he could always see it clearly in his eyes when he talked about how amazing she was his wife.

Reaching outside her apartment, he knocked on her door. "Zainbee, open the door. I'm outside," he called her softly.

He chuckled at the memories of how they gave themselves nicknames. He remembered how Zainab was so obsessed with bees when she was young, always running after it before she was tired of it and named her Zainbee. When she couldn't come up with a name for him, then she started calling him Yusluv.

But since he met his wife and married, he had been searching for the opportunity to tell her to stop calling him that. His wife was somehow jealous and hatred lady but she was a forgiving time.

When no one answered the door, he noticed that it was ajar and he entered and sat on the couch.

She came out of her room, crying and hiccupping.

"Zainbee, calm down and tell me what happened," he told her whilst holding her hand and rubbing it, trying to comfort her. She leaned forward and rested her head on his shoulder, he wanted to say he was married but brushed it off for the moment to sooth her.

Zainab was crying. He was surprised. The Zainab that he knew never cried. She must really be in love with Khaleed because to her someone who cried was weak.

"I never believed you could cry zainbee?" He said to light up the atmosphere.

She smiled softly. "I never believed it, too but love makes someone go crazy and do some crazy things".

"So..." he trailed off while scratching my head awkwardly.

"Let's go," he said, pushing her head softly but he noticed she was snuggled closer to him and he stood up from the chair.

He didn't know whether she was still in love with him or not. Zainab was hard to read, you could not know what was running in her mind. She was somehow obsessive and aggressive sometimes if she did not have what she wanted.

She was a complicated human being.

They went out together, locking the door behind them before she put his hand on her the middle of her back.

"Tsk, tsk. You still behave like a baby," he chuckled, tapped her forehead with the other hand while she stuck her tongue out. He shook his head in amusement before he stylishly removed his hand from her back without hurting her feelings.

"You know, I only behave like that with you because I am your baby," she winked at me.

"My only baby is my wife" he said but never said it out and he smiled remembering her.

"What are you smiling at?" she asked curiously, raising her brows.

I flickered her forehead again and left her standing.


Time had really gone by the time he reached home-it was already 5:00 am in the morning.

After they bailed Khaleed out, he took both of them home and drove happily to meet his baby at home.

His angel.

His light and all his.

He knew she would be worried sick about him not around and she wouldn't be able to sleep. He has stopped by at the nearest shop and bought bars of chocolate.

Bribery,he thought and smiled, caressing his beard.

When he got home, he knocked and received no response.

Maybe, she has slept. He wondered.

Don't let me disturb her and sneak in. He thought.

He knocked again and still no response. He took out the spare key and opened the door gently not wanting to wake his wife up.

He said his Teslim and switched on the light.

"Wifey" he called out while he shrugged his shoulders. Maybe she was asleep. He entered their room and found nothing.

He went to her personal room; maybe she was angry with him because that was where she stayed whenever she was upset with him. But he found nothing again. The bed was neatly spread, the books on the shelves were arranged in order and her study table was neat.

His heart was beating harder than normal. He went to the living room and did nothing again.

Where could she be!. He thought loudly.

He called her phone but it was off.

Shutting the living room door behind him, he strode to the kitchen. He turned the kitchen knob but it was already unlocked.

"Wifey, what do you think you are doing?" He said he was trying to calm his heart but found nothing. Except broken plates and smeared blood.

He rushed back to the living room and grabbed his phone dialling Royhan.

"Oh God," he muttered, now the panic had set in.

"Sofia!" He shouted out of rage and hurt.

"Sophia," he growled, sending his fist into the glass as the glass shattered around his hand. The broken glasses pierced his skin but he didn't feel anything.

His body was numbed because his drug wasn't around.

He felt rage like nothing before as blood pumped through his body.

He was going to kill the person behind it himself without the help of the police. If they ever think of laying or hurting her, they were going to pay.

He vowed to himself.