
Chapter 19




I was praying to Allah because he was all Hearer and Seer. This pain was too much for me, being kidnapped twice! One by a maniac, obsessed Ex and now by this man.

"Ya Allah save me, let me be free. He's going to truly break me this time. Ya Allah, you were the one who saved and protected prophet Yunus inside the fish. Please hear my cries. Ya Allah, guide, protect and pardon all my sins." I was visibly shaking with fear of the unknown.

"Bring her out," a voice boomed out.

Some men came inside and held my hand. I thrashed around "Please save me, don't take me to..." My words were cut off by a slap.

"Say one more word there and then I will be glad to make your death painful and slow" snarled the man, making me shrivel away.

"Chain her down," the person growled out and I physically tensed as he looked at me with so much hatred.

What had I done so wrong to deserve so much hatred? What were my mistakes that he wanted to destroy me so badly?

I was already brimming with tears.

I missed you, mama,Lut, Maryam and especially Yusuf. I loved you all. I was saying my last prayer.

"Cuff her hands and legs, discard her clothes. I'm going to destroy and damage you so badly that even your husband won't be able to repair you," the man said with complete wickedness.

"What did I say about us meeting again, little Sophy," he said.

"What a pleasant way to meet you," I reply sarcastically in my head.

My hands and legs were cuffed to the chair and with nothing except for my underwear and I started crying profusely.

"Little Sophy, I just want to ask you some questions, but now you are a crying mess" he shook his head in disapproval 

His voice changed; it was hard, dark. "What did I tell you about crying?" he asked, taking a whip out and whipping me on my exposed leg.

I cried out in pain. It hurt more than what I was used to from him. I choked and replied, "It is a sign of weakness sir" my body was trembling tremendously 

"And what are you doing?" He spat in my face. 

"I'm crying," I was a sobbing mess now.

"What's the punishment for it?" He asked tilting his head, his eyes glinted evilly. 

"Twenty whips," I whimpered.

He patted my head adorably when it was nothing. "Even after many years, you still remembered." chuckled the man. 

"No, don't hurt me, please," I wept but he only gave me a sadistic smirk.

"Sorry is not good enough. You will receive the whippings and with each one of it, you will feel the consequences of crying," he explained while I wailed loudly.

Without warning he brought his whip and slashed it against my open thigh. It felt like my breath had been sucked out of me as I jerked against the chair. I tried to push myself up but the cuff forced me back.

I counted to twenty and by the end, my voice was hoarse from screaming. Black dots started forming in my vision as I finally succumbed to darkness.


The torture, brutal abuse continued every day and I wished to die. I was only safe when I blacked out.

This was one of the beatings that I could never forget and forgive.

I was broken; destroyed completely. I felt numb. I didn't even scream anymore-it only gave them joy and excitement to continue.

I was sitting in my cell when a man walked in and yanked a fistful of my hair and started to drag me out of the cell, taking me somewhere I had no idea about. I screamed at the pain and the roughness of the floor scratching my skin.

My thrashings fell on deaf ears when he finally reached a room and pushed me so hard that I hit my head against a table. I held my head as it throbbed; my whole body shook with fear and terror.

When would I be free?

The person flicked his hand to that man in command and the man came to me and trapped my wrists, held them together and bound it with rope. My eyes went wide as I continued to shake my head, tears falling from my eyes.

Suddenly, I heard a cluttering of belts and my body tensed. I felt the belt running down the middle of my back, the cold leather making me cry out in pain.

I heard the person telling the man that she was a murderer; she killed her. That, this was what he had been punishing me for-I killed her but I didn't know who the 'her' was.

I shook my head vigorously,"I'm not a murderer" I whimpered.

The man didn't react as I received blow after blow, equal in force and I continued to screamed and cry my eyes out.

I didn't know how much he was beating me but when he paused, only then was my breathing  heard. I was no longer thrashing as I curled into a ball in one corner of the room.

I didn't even move when I felt cold metal pressing against my ribs. Something pierced my skin and I began to cry again. All I could do was whimpered and sobbed from the pain.

I couldn't move my body; the pain was too much and unbearable. The beating had never been as horrible as this. I felt like dying.

I closed my eyes as the pains and tiredness washed over me.


I felt a rush of cold water against my body. The pain shot up my back like fire and I screamed. The pain was like needles that had been in alcohol and pierced me.

"Get up now!" the man that poured water on me said and walked out.

I couldn't move my body. The striking burn on my back multiplied when I writhed. But no matter how much ever I did not want to cry, the tears fell.

My vocal cavity hurt like hell.

I tried to limp into the tiny bathroom inside the dark room that I was in and I looked at the mirror, staring at my reflection. I swallowed the lump in my throat as I wondered how damaged I was. This was going to leave a scar that will haunt me forever.

Just as I was about to leave, something caught my eyes. I moved closer to the mirror and saw another writing. I could remember the man piercing me with cold metal and I shredded at the memory.

When I finally saw it, a loud scream ripped through me. I wailed louder than ever.



My legs started to move on its own accord and the world was whirling around me as I leaned on the wall. The pain was uncontrollable and I ran to the room with blurry vision. Was he not satisfied with the one he had written before?

Used, damaged, and now murderer and killer?

"No! make it stop!" I screamed, shaking my head as I cried. The word continued to ring over and over again.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling.

He had finally broken me-damaged me.

I was nobody. 

No one would love me or save me.

I was pushed into a hug and I glanced up through my wet eyelashes, seeing at Khaleed. He looked at me worriedly. 

"What's he doing here" I wondered.

"Why do they hurt me so much? What have I done? Is it a crime to wish to live?" I said. "Please, make it stop. Make it go away. Please, it hurts..." My voice suddenly broke off into a low whisper. "It hurts so much".

His hand went behind me and brought me to his chest, indicating me to rest on it. "I'm here for you, love. I'm sorry for coming late." I pushed him away.

A man came and dragged me to an open arena. I didn't protest or trash, as I allowed him.

"Your knight in shining armour is around," he said mockingly.

I didn't feel anything-happiness, relief, or sadness. Nothing.

Scar of the soul was worse than anything. 

My soul felt broken. I just couldn't feel anything.

I saw him-Yusuf. He had changed a lot in the past months. He looked tired, furious, sad as he looked at me with guilt, love, pity.

But I looked like a walking corpse.

The person walked to me and gripped me tightly and said, "Why don't you introduce me to you lover-boy?"

I said nothing because there was nothing to say. If I talk, I'll get beaten and besides, I won't even remember how to talk.

"Oh, little Sophy can't talk. I've trained her to become a mute," he said proudly. 

"I'm proud to say that I'm Zaid Brown-the real father of Sofia. She is my illegitimate daughter."