Twenty Eight

BK 2 chapter 28

Life was fairing, everything had been going smoothly with Allah's will. Abdullahi was doing okay with his father during weekends. We went to Khaleed's wedding ; Allah blessed him with a niqobii and a hafizoh. I was extremely happy for him. We were expecting our little buds - Rodiyah and Mor'diyyah. The scan I did showed that I was having twins. I couldn't be happier. We'd been preparing because at any moment the babies would arrive in this world.

"Mom, wheeen arrre my sissssters coooming out?" Abdullah asked, poking my bump.

"I do not know baby but they are coming soon" I prolonged the 'soon', "you'll soon see and carry them" I said rubbing my stomach tenderly.

"S, how are you" Abdulrahman asked, walking toward me.

"I'm fine but my back is aching me" I whined softly while he chuckled.

"Daddy" Abdullah called him. We'd cake into a term that he would call Abdulrahman 'daddy' and Yusuf 'dad'. "I can't wait to see my sisters" he clapped his hands together, jumping up and down.

"Yeah, you'll be their big bro" Abdulrahman proclaimed, "and you'll protect them from big bad wolves when they are growing" he said dramatically while I nudged his side and rolled my eyes.

"Why?" he asked knowingly.

"Are you supposed to be telling a small boy that?" I exclaimed.

"But he supposed..." he interrupted Abdullah who was scowling.

"Mom, I'm not a boy" he said dramatically, "I'm a man" he punched his chest before high-fiving Abdulrahman.

I shook my head then muttered, "boys" and they groaned..

The bell rang, showing there was someone at the door.

"Go check who is there?" I told abdullahi while I went inside to put on my hijab.

"It's brother Royhan" he beamed, holding the polythene bag that I knew it would fill with bars of chocolate.

"Tell him to enter and give him a glass of water also" I ordered him softly.

He and Abdulrahman were in heated discussion, talking about Islamic books. Men!. Well, I was happy that they weren't soccer fans. It sucks!.

"Assalamualaikum" I greeted, padding my way inside the room; parlor.

"Walaikum Salam warahmatullahi wabarakatuh umum" he replied, smiling softly while looking at the ground.

Maa Shaa Allah, he was lowering his gaze.

"Lemme, get you food" I stood abruptly, ready to make my way to the kitchen before he stopped me.

"Thank you umu but I will pass this" he declined politely.

"Why?" I asked intriguingly.

"Your friend will skin me alive" he announced while shrugging his shoulder.

"Why?" I smiled.

Maryam!, drama queen.

"If I eat here, I won't be able to eat at home. All her stress to cook for me has wasted" he responded with so much enthusiasm.

"True, all her efforts shouldn't be futile" I agreed, nodding my head.

"I'm sorry," he said sadly.

"No need, I understand" I assured him.

"So let me give you guys a chance to talk," I said and walked out while my little pumpkin was trailing behind me with his face smudged with chocolate.

The day went slowly before Maryam called me that she was coming.

When I heard the bell rung, I went to open the door for her.

"Sugarplum, you look like an elephant" She came forward to hug me but my big bump didn't allow her to.

"Then you look like a cow" I replied rhetorically.

"No babe, I'm straight" she stuck her tongue at me.

"Come in" I spoke, opening the door wider for her.

"Even though you didn't tell me to come in, I'll make myself home" She winked, walking past me.

She slumped to the chair and sighed, "What do you have at home?" she asked.

"We have television, water..." I listed while she slapped my arm softly.

I stood to get her food but as I was coming back, I saw her brows furrowed in worry while she shook her head. She was bruising her lips furiously while tapping her feet on the ground.

Something must have happened. I thought.

"This is food" I served her the food, she removed the cover. She took a spoon and tasted before she threw it away, cursing out loud.

I came to her and rubbed her shoulder gently, "What happened dear?" I asked softly..

"Foolishness!, I can't even taste the food" She yelled,wiping the tears that glistened in her eyes harshly.

"Okay" I nodded. It sucks when the tastebud doesn't work, I thought.

"Men are animals"

"Why?" I asked worriedly.

"Because.." She trailed off.

"Is OK if you don't want to say. Well, your marital affair is personal and private".

"Not that, he made me mad this morning and I started talking" she said, "maybe when I was talking, I'd uttered some words I shouldn't" she spoke with sadness, "and he left without eating" she cried out, "even though, my meal I cooked always have some error, he always eat it and encourages me" sobbed. "He's patient with me, he pampered me and...." hiccuping.

"It's okay sweetie, he came to our house this morning and I offered him food but he said you would have cooked that I shouldn't worry".

"I love him, I swear. It's just that.." She cried.

"It's okay but I can teach you what will make him forget all this and when he comes home he will be head over hill for you" I said slyly, winking at her.

"Are you sure?" she said skeptically.

"Are you doubting me?" I scrunch my nose.


"Okay" I sat upright, "when your husband is angry like that sometimes, you'll leave him to cool down for some minutes, hours but not day" I warned. "We women have the power but we don't know how to use it" I chimed.

"What power?" she asked while I shushed her.

"Shhhh, you are interrupting me!" I scolded her gently.

"When your husband is angry with you or you have a heated argument, before he comes back from wherever he went, Make sure you've cleaned the house. Use air freshener to the scent of the house to make it warm and cozy when he comes back, he would feel the warmth and fragrance of the house, he would feel homely. Then you shower; you shave both areas. Men like bare land because it would be inviting not a bushy one that would give them work to do. Are you following?"I scowled my face while she nodded meekly.

" Then, put on one of your lingeries that you know he loves on you" I winked at her, "and put on makeup not that you would cake your face up ooo because no man; I mean no man loves a cake up face. You are a chimpanzee and you make you become a baboon, even though they are the same mammalian family, they are different" I advised.

"Okay, that means I'm a chimpanzee right?" she nodded while I giggled.

"Less I forget, you prepare his favorite meal so that when he arrives, you offer him to shower before eating. When he's eating, try to caress his hair soothingly to ease him of the stress and call him his native name attractively, bite his ear softly and smile sensually. After eating the meal then you'll offer him another food.." I felt a sharp piercing at my back but I shook it off, I changed the position I sat," then after everything, you should talk out your difference"I shrugged my shoulder, I winced again when I felt another pain. "Don't let the agreement be a day and there's nothing bad there saying I'm sorry first. It is not that you are stupid but you are saving your marriage" I screamed out in pain. I was feeling an executing pain in my lower stomach.

"What happened?" she shook me.

"My back" I cried out.

"Sophia!, you're peeing on the floor" she exclaimed, trying to let me stand on my feet.

"Foolish, I didn't pee" I yelled in pain, "my water broke that means my babies are coming" I breathed out.



