Half Way Through Kidnaped

"What do you think, I will leave you,?" he was going to report the administration about Lui.

His face was twisting with the hatred his heart brewed.

His father assured him that if this matter fire up, he would support his son.

With a sinister smile, he entered in the office, there was brief letter in his hand about his suspicion and some kind of prove.

There were some questions about the matter and then the administration decided to talk face to face with Lui and the reason behind all this, they were not ready to believe after all.

Automatic augmented reality hardware wrist watch beeped and there was message for Lui, Lui looked at his wrist and it started emitting light and then there was recorded voice message.

The administration was thinking to give a direct counseling session and of course it will be free of cost because they don't wish to see their genius lost his way for the sake of some trash bank money.

There initial thoughts were to polish his lost interest and do some steps to secure his interest, if he needed more money on projects they can increase his pocket money as well research budget.

If they thought it necessary, they will discuss with the expensive rehab -iatry.

They were careful in every way that's why academy was able to make its name.

They would check every aspect.

He was summoned in the main administration office.

"Heck, what's this,?"

"Stop Lui and carefully listen the message sent by administration," his fellow was getting some understanding and instructed.

"Why, what made them suddenly care for my counseling?" Lui sighed and suddenly he jerked with the revelation in his mind.

"Is that because my bloodthirsty rival had reported in the administration,? why he is so in hurry to hit me again and again?"

"What did I do to him?, why he is deliberately after me?" he was trying to solve his study problems by reading the personal digital library of previous Lui.

And he was able to develope some interest too.

"Don't blame yourself, he must be enemy of previous Lui, just prepare yourself for the face to face meeting with administration and yes don't get nervous there,"

Lippizan instructed him like he was here and nobody should get scare of others, he will set the matter.

He patted on the shoulders of Lui.

"Forget it, I will try to excuse them their suspicion, tell me Lie Mei how's your programming class going,?"

"My programming class is scary, there is lots of digits, there are uncountable codes and then there is error," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Try to learn the new environment, and especially your department subject either it be shame for the owners of these bodies and do you think we pay favor with ungratefulness?"

Lui was talking to his friends.

He wanted to walk on the path of aim.

And he wanted them to do the same.

"Yes, you are right, we spent our previous lives aimless and carefree but I can't help with the Assisstive Tech, this department is more figuratively scary, I am getting infamous in my class,"

One of his friends was slightly filled with cholesterol fat, he behaved sometimes like a spoiled kid.

He was enrolled in the Assisstive Tech.

He was only fifteen, the previous Rim was too much interested to help make technology tools those could help disable people or old people, and this Rim was as dumb as his friends and leader but now his leader of fifteen friends was asking to work hard and study, it did not caught him well.

"What became the reason for your infamy?" other friend asked.

"I broke a laser tool which was designing a blueprint,"

"Why did you break,?" Lui asked

Rim was pouting seriously now, "It was not my fault, teacher made five groups of students and they were working in group while I was left to work without anyone, because no one wanted to join my group,"

His eyes got wet when telling.

"Oh, did not teacher help you?" Lui patted on his head.

"Teacher said, since you always work separately so its OK if no one is wanted to make a group with you, it will be good for you that no one will disturb while working,"

He cried more.

"When I was agreed on and started studying, a classmate shouted that we don't want to work with illegitimate bastard that's why we did not join you,"

"You should have told your teacher," Lippizan was turning into bad mood.

"She was not in the class at that time,"

"Then I will be in your class tomorrow and tell me who was that badmouth, I will teach him how to behave properly in future,"

Lippizan was gritting teeth.

The next day, Lie Mei came to wake Lui up but he was already sitting on a comfortably and reading from his easy to carry library device.

"You are getting responsible day by day, I may fell in love with you if this goes on," she winked and went back in her condominium.

Lui was preparing to face the administration.

He did not sleep all night.

He was trying to study and understand some basic concepts.

It was time for him to go.

He took a different path to reach administration office in a hurry.

He would walk out from the dark corridors and reach in front administration building that would be small distance too.

He was walking between the dark corridors when suddenly a sharp light struct his wide opened eyes and he felt blind for few moments.

Someone came forward with electric speed and punched him hard on his head and he fell unconscious.

He was feeling suffocation.

His hands were fastened with some metal on both side on head high rode.

His head was spinning due to sharp headache.

He opened his eyes and his eye balls got wet with the water.

He was standing half conscious in a strong glass jar.

Few crystal clear wires were pinched on his body with the transmission caps.

A shadow pushed a button and transmission wires sent the required current, Lui was already standing in the water jar which strengthen and make more horrible impact.

Lui was forced stand in the water without any clothes on his body.

The intense pain made him want to scream out loud but there was something like a mask on his mouth that was for him breath source.

It made him look around with suffering.

There was small monitor inside the strong water jar and outside as well.

"So, you woke up, welcome in my personal torture lab," someone smirked standing in front of the glass jar.

This voice was familiar for Lui.