Rim Is Betraying Us

"What is this attitude Ni Chen? Why are you laughing? Rim can be in trouble," Lui was puzzled.

Ni Chen should get worried.

"How can he be in trouble, he has found strong friends," Ni Chen waved his hand.

"Lui why are you worried for him?" Lie Mei asked.

"A student came warning me and he showed how severely he beat up Rim that's why I am asking where is he?" Lui answered.

The male friends got worried.

They were old friends, it was not possible for them to hear it and ignore.

Ni Chen thought for a while and wanted to show the video took record of but he skipped this idea.

"Let's find him," he suggested.

He knew where he could find him.

It was back lab of the thirteenth department.

Back labs were used mostly as stores.

Only three male friends went to find Rim.

It was silent in the department because students were gone to prepare for the evening function.

They could hear few students talking in the back lab.