Breaking In to Account

We Will Be There Soon

The group stopped. Crag ran towards Ni Chen smiling, "Man, I have some urgent outlook for the project a few things to inquire from my class teacher. I'm also taking Man Hu along, we will visit our buddy Lui tomorrow," he spoke in one breath. 

Ni Chen knew that the study was critical. Also, Crag was a responsible student as well as a friend, "No worries. You can visit tomorrow. We are going now," he replied and they walked toward the main road to hire a public conveyance to get to the hospital.

Crag turned his face towards Man Hu and shrugged.

"Are you taking me along?" Crag asked him in a meaningful way. 

"It will be considered a theft if you are willing to become my partner in the theft. So then, sure!" Man Hu winked at him.

"I don't mind if you're not secretive," Crag was willing to take the risk just to know how ambitious this lazy, ungrateful ramen could be. 

They walked back to the Academy.