Fourth Ventura Theme (part 10)

Fourth Ventura Theme (part 10)

Make Use Of Opportunity

According to the set time frame, ten minutes were not enough, unless there was miracle that they found the irrelevant device around the third desk. 

They thought to incite the anger of the crowd, "How we will make angrier?" the leader was little less confident on this idea, he don't know that in such situations; it was easier to make the crowd angry. 

Lui thought in thoroughly, if they were able to make the mob into commotion then they could make use of the opportunity. 

The third desk was not in the middle nor it was away from approach, just a bunch of people shouting slogans and the staff and developers distracted for whole fifteen seconds. 

"Sigh, we can do it," the leader and his friends made fist and start to look for target. 

Two friends were left behind, they will follow Lui when he would gesture them.

They were already good at troublemaking so it might help.