The Last Promo Tour

The Last Promo Tour 

The theme park was letting a free tour to the visitors at the artificial waterfall lake. 

All three instructors gathered the students at one place, they were going to take a look at the rumored artificial lake and waterfall. 

They were given rides toward the place, they cannot walk and reach then in half an hour so to avoid waste of time, the administration arranged vehicles. 

"I have seen more than one artificial waterfalls and I am not excited," there were few who were well enough to visit such places often, only those who barely meet the expenses of the study wait for this yearly activity to enjoy and take a look how does a theme park look like. 

"I am very much excited, I never happened to see one," a poor student shrugged his shoulders when he listened the flexing of the rich boy. 

Lui was excited as well, till now all the things he paced around watched, they were mostly new to him, he could tell that he liked them.