Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


70. Three boons for Kashi

There is a beautiful story about the holy city of Kashi. Varanasi. This city is considered to be a living intelligence, a goddess. She is worshipped as Kashika Devi, the living energy of the city.

It is said that Kashika Devi once asked Shiva for a boon, 'O Shiva, Mahadeva, please bless me that whoever enters into me should be liberated.'

So Mahadeva gave Kashika Devi three boons: 1. Whoever enters into Kashi and takes a dip in the river Ganga, their sins will be washed away. 2. Whoever dies in Kashi, they will be liberated. 3. Anyone whose body is brought into Kashi and cremated in Manikarnika Ghat or Harischandra Ghat, they will be liberated.

Kashika Devi was so happy to receive the boons! But Devi (Parvati) interfered and said, 'Mahadeva, don't you feel you made enlightenment too easy, liberation too cheap?'

Mahadeva said. 'Don't worry, I will take you to Kashi and show you something. Come with me.'

When they reached Kashi, they found that the boon which Mahadeva gave to Kashika Devi had become very popular. Thousands had gathered to take a bath in the Ganga at Kashi. Mahadeva said to Devi, 'Now let us both become human beings. I will lie down as a dead husband. You sit down here as the widow and cry. If anyone approaches you, tell them that if a person without sin touches me, I will come back to life. And if somebody with sin touches me and tries to bring me back to life, his head will burst and he will die.'

So Mahadeva lay down as a dead body, and Devi sat down next to him and started crying really loudly. All the people who had come to take a bath in the Ganga came and asked Devi, 'What happened? What happened? Why are you crying? Why is such a beautiful lady sitting and crying in front of such a beautiful man?'

Devi said. 'My young husband has died. If anybody without sin touches my husband's body, he will come back to life. But if you have committed some sin and you touch him, your head will burst and you will die! Can somebody please bring my husband back to life?' From morning to night, millions of people took a bath in the Ganga, but not a single fellow dared touch this body!

Late at night, a drunkard came by. He also asked Devi, 'What happened?' Devi said, 'This is the story. If anybody without sin touches my husband, he will come back to life. But if a person with sin touches him, that person will die!'

Devi thought that this fellow will start running away like all the others. But the drunken fellow looked at Devi and said, 'Wait, wait, wait - I heard that Shiva has given a boon.'

So he got into the Ganga and took a bath and came out, saying, 'I have committed all types of sins. But now, after taking a bath in the Ganga, I am free of all sins, because Shiva has given this boon. And he touched the body of the dead man. Naturally, Shiva came back to life and gave darshan to him and liberated him!'

Then Mahadeva asked Devi. 'Do you see now? Millions may take a bath in the Ganga, but how many of them really believe in my boon?'

Millions may visit temples and perform religious rituals, but how many of them understand the context of what they are doing? So don't worry, even if I shower everyone with boons, only those who are worthy, who are already in the space of completion and feeling-connection, will even be ready to receive them!

For reading the entire book "New-Clear Bombs From Nithya Satsang", visit:

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