Following is an extract from the book titled: 108 New-Clear Bombs from Nithya Satsang, from the teachings of His Divine Holiness (HDH) Nithyananda Paramashivam, the living incarnation of Paramashiva. Through simple truths, HDH causes powerful cognitive shifts in individuals in his/her path of enlightenment.


92. Krishna and the old lady's cow

There is a beautiful story in Srimad Bhagavatam, the life story of Krishna.

There was a rich man who was devoted to Krishna. He used to observe the ekadashi vrata every month. He would fast on ekadashi day, and the next day he would feed the pious people, the devotees of Krishna. It is considered a great punya, an act which will bring a lot of merit. Pleased with his vrata, Krishna appeared before him one day and asked 'My son, ask me for a boon! You are doing so much wonderful work. The rich man said, 'If you bless me with more and more wealth, I will be happy to do this service on a large scale.' Krishna blessed him with abundant wealth and the man was very happy.

There was another devotee of Krishna, an old lady who used to think about Krishna and meditate on Krishna all the time; she was practically living with Krishna. She was a poor lady and had only a cow as her property. She also used to observe the ekadashi vrata, and the next day she would make a little butter from her cow's milk and share it with a few devotees of Krishna. One day. Krishna appeared in front of her, but he did not even ask her what she wants. He just ate up all her butter and disappeared. And that very day, the old lady's cow died!

Naturally, all the gopikas living around Krishna asked him, 'What is this? That man is already rich, but you went and showered more wealth on him, and this poor old lady has only one cow, and you went and killed that cow and came back. What is this?' Then Krishna said, 'See that rich man still has a lot of desires. No problem. He asked for wealth and I gave him wealth; let him do good work and enjoy and finally exhaust all his desires. Let him come to me for enlightenment when he is ready! But this old lady has no attachment other than that one cow. It is the only

attachment which is stopping her from becoming enlightened and merging into me completely. So I took away that attachment, that's all? Now she will reach me completely. She will achieve jivanmukti, and the eternal abode of my feet.'

So when God loves you, you can never be sure what will happen! Sometimes He gives, sometimes He takes away: you can't judge anything from outside. And many a time, understand that He is expressing His love more strongly when He takes away something from you! Understand that when He takes away everything else from you. He is making a strong statement that you belong to Him alone!

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