The sight of Demitri's face was the last thing Aniello remembered. The screaming faces contrasting his face like a sea of thorns contrasting a rose. Soon the purple light of his eyes took over Aniello's vision causing him to blackout.
Aniello woke up sweating heavily. His breathing was fast and heavy as if he had just been running for his life. He tried looking around but everything was blurry. The only clear thing was a vision of the face he saw. A face with mangled, red skin, long, sharp teeth, tall horns, purple eyes, and a chaotic smile. Aniello wanted to scream in fear but his body wouldn't move.
After bearing through the constant sight of true fear for what felt like hours, the image faded out and Aniello's vision returned to normal. Beside him was Achille standing with her full attire on looking down on him while a doctor examined his body with a scanner. The doctor noted some things down on a tablet before Achille sent her out of the room.
"I'm going to make a deal with you. I don't want you telling anyone anything about what you saw OR what you think you saw. I'm saying now so I don't have to later. There is nothing, AND I MEAN NOTHING, going on between Demitri and I! I am merely his employer until he gets me what I want." said Achille.
If she wasn't wearing her mask you probably wouldn't have believed what she was saying from the state her face was in but for now Aniello just listened carefully. "As long as you promise to stay quiet about what happened, I will promote you to Senior Commander in place of your father. You will also be given the commanding role in the next planetary attack and your family shall receive a large sum of currency from myself.
However, if you go back on this deal I will have your father killed and you're entire family demoted to civilians. They shall stave to death without payment and you will be to blame. Do I make myself clear?"
Aniello had only just been able to understand what Achille was saying and she now uncomfortably close to Aniello's face. The only movement of confirmation his could force his body to do was a simple nod. Achille sighed in relief as Aniello did so and she turned to leave. But before opening the door she turned her head back round to Aniello.
"I am also personally inviting you to a meal with some of the highest ranking people in our army. It should be a good idea to form alliances to help in future attacks. It is not a chance to make friends though. Friends won't help you win a fight. It will be tomorrow in the great hall on the 743rd level. The meeting for the attack will be directly after. Don't be late." Achille finally left leaving Aniello to relax a little bit.
In just one day he had met, seen the face of, and been promoted by THE Achille! As well as have his phobia of arachnids made to look like spiders were his best friends by a complete stranger.